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The .NET MAUI Text Input Layout or Label Entry is a container control that allows users to add floating labels, password toggle icons to show or hide passwords, leading and trailing icons, and assistive labels such as error messages and help text on top of input controls.

.NET MAUI Text Input Layout Code Example

Easily get started with the .NET MAUI Text Input Layout using a few simple lines of XAML code example as demonstrated below. Also, explore our .NET MAUI Text Input Layout Example that shows you how to render and configure the .NET MAUI Text Input Layout.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/dotnet/2021/maui"
        <inputLayout:SfTextInputLayout Hint="Name">
            <Entry />

Supported input controls

Enhance the appearance of the .NET MAUI Entry and Editor controls and all Syncfusion Autocomplete and ComboBox controls. Add assistive labels and icons to their entry and input views by just wrapping them with the Text Input Layout control.

Supported input views in .NET MAUI Text Input Layout.

Shows the container type in .NET MAUI Entry with floating labels.

Container types

  • Filled: The background of the input view will be filled with the container color, and the baseline stroke and thickness will be changed based on the state of the input view.
  • Outlined: The container will be framed with a rounded border.
  • None: The container will have an empty background and space around it.


Dynamically adjust hint text color and border colors based on the control’s state: normal, focused, error, and disabled.

Shows the .NET MAUI floating label states focused, unfocused, error, and disabled.

Shows password visibility toggling icon in .NET MAUI Entry control.

Password visibility toggling

The toggle for password visibility allows users to display or conceal the characters typed into the input field associated with the control.

Assistive labels

Assistive labels offer extra information on the entered text in input view controls. The types of assistive labels include:

Shows hints or floating labels in .NET MAUI Entry, Editor, SfAutocomplete, and SfComboBox controls.

Floating labels and hints

Avoid additional labels by adding a hint text, giving the input view more space. The hint text moves from the middle to the top to show a floating label when the input becomes active.

Shows helper text in .NET MAUI Entry, Editor, SfAutocomplete, and SfComboBox controls.

Helper text

The helper text provides additional information about the text to be entered.

Shows error text in .NET MAUI Entry, Editor, SfAutocomplete, and SfComboBox controls.

Error text

Displaying error text assists in solving validation errors.

Leading and trailing icons

Add a leading icon to indicate the input type, such as birth date, phone number, or password. Use a trailing icon to add a clear button, error icon, voice input icon, or drop-down icon.

Show leading and trailing icons in .NET MAUI Entry, Editor, SfAutocomplete, and SfComboBox controls.

Customize the font for the .NET MAUI Input Layout.

Custom fonts

Customize the font appearance, including size, attributes, and family, for assistive labels like hint, helper, and error within the control.


Customize spacing around the input view using InputViewPadding. Tailor the padding to align with your unique design preferences.

Customize the padding for .NET MAUI input view.

RTL support for .NET MAUI Text Input Layout.

Right to left (RTL)

The control accommodates right-to-left (RTL) flow direction, beneficial for cultures that read from right to left.

Struggling to decide on the right product?

Our comprehensive competitor comparison of .NET MAUI controls will guide you to the perfect choice.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Syncfusion .NET MAUI Text Input Layout supports the following features:

  • Various input views like Entry, Editor, SfAutocomplete, SfComboBox, SfNumericEntry, SfMaskedEntry, Picker, DatePicker and TimePicker.
  • Floating Labels when the input view is focused.
  • Assistive Labels to shows helper and error texts.
  • Filled, outlined, and none container types.
  • Leading and trailing icons.
  • Password visibility toggling.
  • One of the best .NET MAUI Text Input Layout in the market, offering feature-rich UI to interact with the software.
  • Simple configuration and APIs.
  • Mobile-touch friendly.
  • Extensive demos, documentation, and videos to let you get started quickly with the .NET MAUI Text Input Layout.

You can find our .NET MAUI Text Input Layout demo, which demonstrates how to render and configure the Text Input Layout.

No, this is a commercial product and requires a paid license. However, a free community license is also available for companies and individuals whose organizations have less than $1 million USD in annual gross revenue, 5 or fewer developers, and 10 or fewer total employees.

A good place to start would be our comprehensive getting started documentation.

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