The Syncfusion .NET MAUI Pull to Refresh control allows you to refresh the content displayed within it through a simple pull-to-refresh action. It has the ability to load various UI views in its pulling pane, enabling users to initiate the refresh by pulling down from the top of the view. Additionally, the control offers support for different transition modes and allows comprehensive customization of the user interface.
Enhance the user experience with animated transitions between the pulling pane and the refresh indicator when a user performs a pull action. The two types of built-in transitions are:
The progress animation slides over the pulling pane.
The pulling pane gets pushed aside to reveal the progress animation.
Display complex views like the ListView, DataGrid, and other customized layouts within the pullable pane and update the data by performing a pull action.
Customize the Pull to Refresh’s progress indicator background, stroke color, and stroke thickness.
Effortlessly modify the progress view height and width.
Display any view or control in the progress view for both pulling and refreshing actions.
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