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Appointments provide information about events set to occur at specified times. Schedule supports binding custom appointments.

Data binding

In addition to default appointments, users can use their own collections and bind a business object to an appointment by mapping its fields, such as start time, end time, subject, notes, and recurrence. Any type of IEnumerable data binding is supported.

Data binding support in Xamarin.Forms Scheduler

On demand loading

Load appointments on demand for the current view based on visible dates.

Load appointments on demand in Xamarin.Forms Scheduler

Recurring appointments

  • Use recurring appointments to repeat events on a regular basis.
  • Supports daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly recurrence patterns.

Recurring appointments in Xamarin.Forms Scheduler

All day and spanned appointments

  • Show appointments that occur over an entire day and spanned appointments that last more than 24 hours in a separate panel.
  • Customize all-day appointment panel color.

All day and spanned appointments in Xamarin.Forms Scheduler

Appointment view customization

You can customize the default appearance of the appointment view. You can also add different views such as images and text for each appointment.

Appointment customization in Xamarin.Forms scheduler

Minimum appointment height

Sets appointment height regardless of duration to show appointments in the view. You can even show zero duration appointments if desired.

Minimum appointment height support in Xamarin.Forms scheduler

Recurrence exceptions

Skip or change a particular occurrence of a recurring appointment by setting exceptions for that appointment. You can also add or delete recurrence exceptions dynamically.

Recurrence expeption in Xamarin.Forms scheduler

Inline view appointment display

Display indicators in cells and display appointments below the selected date in the month view. You can also customize the inline view and appointment view.

Inline view in Xamarin.Forms scheduler

Agenda view

Display selected date appointments below the month in the agenda view. You can also customize the agenda view and appointments.

Agenda view in Xamarin.Forms scheduler

Appointment rescheduling

  • Quickly reschedule an appointment by dragging it from one time slot and dropping it into a different time slot. This is applicable in day, week, and workweek views.
  • Restrict the rescheduling of certain appointments and prevent the dropping of an appointment at a certain time.

Drag and drop appointments in Xamarin.Forms Scheduler

Time zones

Display appointments created in various time zones in a specified time zone regardless of the time zone set on the system or device. Appointment times are also automatically adjusted and displayed based on daylight savings time.

Time zone support in Xamarin.Forms Scheduler

Appointment selection

Like the time slot, you can select appointments. Selection style also can be customized.

Appointment selection in Xamarin.Forms scheduler


  • Xamarin.Forms
  • Xamarin.Android
  • Xamarin.iOS
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