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The WinUI Cartesian Charts control includes functionality for plotting more than 10+ chart types. Each chart type is easily configured with built-in support for creating stunning visual effects.

Basic charts

Beautiful WinUI line charts.

WinUI Line Chart

Visualize time-dependent data at equal intervals to show trends.

Beautiful WinUI column charts.

WinUI Column Chart

Compare values across categories by using vertical bars.

Beautiful WinUI area charts.

WinUI Area Chart

Area charts are much like line charts except that the area under the lines is shaded.

Correlation charts

Beautiful WinUI scatter charts.

WinUI Scatter Chart

The scatter plot or scatter chart plots data with two numeric parameters.

Beautiful WinUI bubble charts.

WinUI Bubble Chart

Visualize data with three numeric parameters. The size of the bubbles depends on the third parameter.

Spline Charts

Beautiful WinUI spline charts.

WinUI Spline Chart

Connect the data points with smooth curves.

Beautiful WinUI spline area charts.

WinUI Spline Area Chart

Spline area charts are much like spline charts except that the areas under the splines are shaded.

Step charts

Beautiful WinUI step line charts.

WinUI Step Line Chart

Data points are connected through vertical and horizontal line segments to show step-like progress.

Beautiful WinUI step area charts.

WinUI Step Area Chart

Step area charts are much like step line charts except that the area under the lines is shaded.

Stacked charts

Beautiful WinUI stacked area charts.

WinUI Stacked Area Chart

Stacked area charts are like area charts, but the data points are stacked on top of each other.

Beautiful WinUI stacked column charts.

WinUI Stacked Column Chart

Plot data points on top of each other using vertical bars.

Beautiful WinUI stacked line charts.

WinUI Stacked Line Chart

A stacked line chart is a line chart in which lines do not overlap because they are cumulative at each point.

Beautiful WinUI stacked area 100 charts.

WinUI 100% Stacked Area Chart

Show the relative percentage of multiple data series in stacked areas. The cumulative proportion of each stacked area always totals 100%.

Beautiful WinUI stacked column 100 charts.

WinUI 100% Stacked Column Chart

Show the relative percentage of multiple data series in stacked columns. The cumulative proportion of each stacked column always totals 100%.

Beautiful WinUI Stacked line 100 charts.

WinUI 100% Stacked Line Chart

Show the relative percentage of multiple data series in stacked lines. The cumulative proportion of each stacked line always totals 100%.

Syncfusion WinUI DataViz & UI Controls

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