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The WinUI Calendar Date Picker control provides an intuitive, touch-friendly interface to quickly select a date from a drop-down calendar. It supports different date formats. Date selection can be restricted by specifying minimum and maximum dates. Specific dates can also be disabled from selection. In addition, it supports editing with validation and built-in watermark text display.

WinUI Calendar Date Picker Control

Date selection

WinUI Calendar Date Picker with Submit Buttons

Submit buttons

Accepts a date as soon as a date is selected or only after the Done or Cancel button is clicked.

WinUI Calendar Date Picker Minimum and Maximum Date

Date restriction

Restricts users from selecting a date within the minimum and maximum dates.

WinUI Calendar Date Picker Blackout Dates

Blackout dates

Prevent users from selecting specific dates (example: disable all weekends).

Navigation between month, year, century and decade views in WinUI Calendar Date Picker

Select a date from a different year, decade, or century easily by navigating to the year, decade, or century views.

WinUI Calendar Date Picker View Navigation Restrictions

Limit navigation within minimum and maximum calendar views. This will be useful when your date range is smaller and you do not want to show the century view. The WinUI Calendar Date Picker can also be used as a month and year range selector instead of date (example: choosing a credit card validity period).

Date editing

The WinUI Calendar Date Picker control supports editing the date using the text box. The date can be validated as you type or after input is completed.

Editing in WinUI Calendar Date Picker


Display hints using watermark text when a date is not selected.

WinUI Calendar Date Picker Watermark Text


The WinUI Calendar Date Picker can be used across the globe by applying regional settings.

WinUI Calendar Date Picker First Day of Week

First day of week

Sunday is shown as the first day of week, by default, but you can change this based on the regional settings.

Formatting in WinUI Calendar Date Picker

Date formatting

The WinUI Calendar Date Picker allows different date formats for date, day, and month.

Calendar Types aka Calendar Identifier in WinUI Calendar Date Picker

Calendar types

The WinUI Calendar Date Picker control supports nine different calendar types, such as Gregorian, Julian, Hebrew, etc.

WinUI Calendar Date Picker Right-to-Left

Right to left (RTL)

The WinUI Calendar Date Picker supports right-to-left language formatting for calendars such as Arabic and Hebrew.


Show or hide the drop-down button.

Drop Down Button in WinUI Calendar Date Picker

Current and selected date’s appearance

The WinUI Calendar Date Picker control supports different ways different ways to highlight current and selected dates.

Highlight Today and Selected Dates in WinUI Calendar Date Picker

Number of weeks in a view

The WinUI Calendar Date Picker automatically occupies a minimum space. However, you can increase or decrease the size of the calendar based on the number of weeks.

Number of weeks in month view of WinUI Calendar Date Picker

Out of scope dates visibility

Hide days or give them a blurry appearance if they are out of the current view’s scope.

WinUI Calendar Date Picker Out of Scope Dates Visibility

Customize the placement of the drop-down spinner. The WinUI CalendarDatePicker smartly shifts the spinner placement if the space is not sufficient.

Drop Down Placement in WinUI Calendar Date Picker


The WinUI Calendar Date Picker control includes light, dark, and high contrast themes.

WinUI Calendar Date Picker Themes


Customize the appearance of individual calendar cells using custom templates, styles, and their selectors.

WinUI Calendar Date Picker Style

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