The WPF 100% Stacked Line Chart displays multiple series of data as stacked lines, ensuring that the cumulative proportion of each stacked element always totals 100%. Thus, the y-axis will always render within the range 0–100. This chart type is best suited for depicting the relative contribution of data points.
WPF 100 Percentage Stacked Line Chart documentation
The WPF 100% Stacked Line Chart allows grouping a series with another series separately using a different group name.
Rotate the 100% stacked line chart to plot data vertically and view data from a different perspective.
Customize the color and dashes of the WPF 100% Stacked Line Chart using built-in APIs to make it visually unique.
The WPF 100% Stacked Line Chart data points are visualized as marks with the built-in symbols such as cross, square, plus, inverted triangles, hexagon, ellipses, vertical lines, horizontal lines, diamonds, triangles, and pentagons.
Data labels display information about the data points. It provides the support for customizing the foreground, border, and background in addition to template support to customize the default appearance with the desired view. You can rotate a data label by its given angle.
Easily get started with WPF 100% Stacked Line Chart using a few simple lines of XAML and C# code, as demonstrated below,
<Window x:Class="ChartExample.MainWindow"
Title="WPF 100% Stacked Line Chart" Height="450" Width="700">
<!--Setting DataContext-->
<chart:SfChart Height="300" Width="500">
<!--Initialize the horizontal axis for the WPF Chart-->
<chart:DateTimeAxis LabelFormat="ddd" />
<!--Initialize the vertical axis for the WPF Chart-->
<chart:NumericalAxis />
<!--Adding 100% Stacked Line Series to the WPF Chart-->
ItemsSource="{Binding Accidents}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Accidents}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Accidents}"
public class StackingLineChartModel
public DateTime Month { get; set; }
public double Bus { get; set; }
public double Car { get; set; }
public double Truck { get; set; }
public class ViewModel
public ObservableCollection<StackingLineChartModel> Accidents
public ViewModel()
this.Accidents = new ObservableCollection<StackingLineChartModel>();
DateTime mth = new DateTime(2011, 1, 1);
Accidents.Add(new StackingLineChartModel() { Month = mth.AddMonths(6), Bus = 3, Car = 4, Truck = 5 });
Accidents.Add(new StackingLineChartModel() { Month = mth.AddMonths(7), Bus = 4, Car = 5, Truck = 6 });
Accidents.Add(new StackingLineChartModel() { Month = mth.AddMonths(8), Bus = 3, Car = 4, Truck = 5 });
Accidents.Add(new StackingLineChartModel() { Month = mth.AddMonths(9), Bus = 4, Car = 5, Truck = 6 });
Accidents.Add(new StackingLineChartModel() { Month = mth.AddMonths(10), Bus = 7, Car = 8, Truck = 7 });
Accidents.Add(new StackingLineChartModel() { Month = mth.AddMonths(11), Bus = 4, Car = 5, Truck = 6 });
Accidents.Add(new StackingLineChartModel() { Month = mth.AddMonths(12), Bus = 7, Car = 8, Truck = 7 });
Accidents.Add(new StackingLineChartModel() { Month = mth.AddMonths(13), Bus = 4, Car = 5, Truck = 6 });
Explore the WPF 100% Stacked Line Chart example from GitHub to learn how to render and configure charts.
WPF 100% Stacked Line Chart User Guide
Learn more about the available options to customize WPF 100% Stacked Line Charts.