WPF StepProgressBar control is used to show the progress of a multiple-step process, such as new user registration or package status tracking. You can customize its appearance by changing the step shape, progress bar color, step template, and content template.
Bind any object as the ItemsSource and control the last active item.
The shape of a step marker can be a circle or square. Custom templates can also be loaded.
Show progress with active, inactive, and indeterminate statuses.
Visualize the progress of a multiple-step process in horizontal or vertical orientation.
Customize progress bar styles, markers, content, and secondary content using templates.
Easily get started with the WPF StepProgressBar using a few simple lines of XAML and C# code example as demonstrated below. Also explore our WPF StepProgressBar Example that shows you how to render and configure the StepProgressBar in WPF.
- <Syncfusion:SfStepProgressBar SelectedIndex="3">
- <Syncfusion:StepViewItem Content="Ordered" />
- <Syncfusion:StepViewItem Content="Shipped" />
- <Syncfusion:StepViewItem Content="Packed" />
- <Syncfusion:StepViewItem Content="Delivered" />
- </Syncfusion:SfStepProgressBar>
- public partial class MainWindow : Window
- {
- public MainWindow()
- {
- InitializeComponent();
- SfStepProgressBar stepProgressBar = new SfStepProgressBar();
- StepViewItem orderedStepViewItem = new StepViewItem();
- StepViewItem shippedStepViewItem = new StepViewItem();
- StepViewItem packedStepViewItem = new StepViewItem();
- StepViewItem deliveredStepViewItem = new StepViewItem();
- orderedStepViewItem.Content = "Ordered";
- shippedStepViewItem.Content = "Shipped";
- packedStepViewItem.Content = "Packed";
- deliveredStepViewItem.Content = "Delivered";
- stepProgressBar.Items.Add(orderedStepViewItem);
- stepProgressBar.Items.Add(shippedStepViewItem);
- stepProgressBar.Items.Add(packedStepViewItem);
- stepProgressBar.Items.Add(deliveredStepViewItem);
- stepProgressBar.SelectedIndex = 3; grid.Children.Add(stepProgressBar);
- }
- }
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