The WPF Error Bar Chart displays tables of means or medians and variability. The error bars indicate errors or uncertainty in the reported values. This shows possible variations in measurements, and in the chart these values are displayed as data points. The chart supports zooming, scrolling, tooltip, and trackball.
WPF Error Bar Chart documentation
The WPF Error Bar Chart supports displaying error bars horizontally or vertically. By default, both types are enabled.
The WPF Error Bar Chart allows you to view horizontal and vertical error values in both positive and negative directions.
The WPF Error Bar Chart provides four types of error bars: Fixed, Percentage, StandardDeviation, and StandardError.
The WPF Error Bar Chart allows users to customize the style of the error bar line and its cap. The rendered error bar value of both horizontal and vertical error bars can be customized using the HorizontalErrorPath
and VerticalErrorPath
Easily get started with the WPF Error Bar Chart using a few simple lines of C# code example as demonstrated below,
<Window x:Class="ChartExample.MainWindow"
Title="WPF Error Bar Chart" Height="450" Width="700">
<!--Setting DataContext-->
<chart:SfChart Height="298" Width="353">
<!--Initialize the horizontal axis for the WPF Chart-->
<chart:CategoryAxis PlotOffset="12" />
<!--Initialize the vertical axis for the WPF Chart-->
<chart:NumericalAxis />
<!--Adding ErrorBar Series to the WPF Chart-->
ItemsSource="{Binding EnergyProductions}"
ItemsSource="{Binding EnergyProductions}"
YBindingPath="Coal" />
public class EnergyProduction
public double ID { get; set; }
public string Country { get; set; }
public string Region { get; set; }
public string Year { get; set; }
public double Nuclear { get; set; }
public double Coal
get; set;
public double Oil { get; set; }
public double Gas
get; set;
public double HorizontalErrorValue { get; set; }
public double VerticalErrorValue { get; set; }
public class ViewModel
public ObservableCollection<EnergyProduction> EnergyProductions { get; set; }
public ViewModel()
EnergyProductions = new ObservableCollection<EnergyProduction>();
EnergyProductions.Add(new EnergyProduction
ID = 1,
Region = "America",
Country = "Canada",
Coal = 400,
Oil = 100,
Gas = 175,
Nuclear = 225,
VerticalErrorValue = 20,
HorizontalErrorValue = 5
EnergyProductions.Add(new EnergyProduction
ID = 2,
Region = "Asia",
Country = "China",
Coal = 925,
Oil = 200,
Gas = 350,
Nuclear = 400,
VerticalErrorValue = 30,
HorizontalErrorValue = 3
EnergyProductions.Add(new EnergyProduction
ID = 3,
Region = "Europe",
Country = "Russia",
Coal = 550,
Oil = 200,
Gas = 250,
Nuclear = 475,
VerticalErrorValue = 28,
HorizontalErrorValue = 2
EnergyProductions.Add(new EnergyProduction
ID = 4,
Region = "Asia",
Country = "Australia",
Coal = 450,
Oil = 100,
Gas = 150,
Nuclear = 175,
VerticalErrorValue = 20,
HorizontalErrorValue = 1
EnergyProductions.Add(new EnergyProduction
ID = 5,
Region = "America",
Country = "United States",
Coal = 800,
Oil = 250,
Gas = 475,
Nuclear = 575,
VerticalErrorValue = 40,
HorizontalErrorValue = 2.5
EnergyProductions.Add(new EnergyProduction
ID = 6,
Region = "Europe",
Country = "France",
Coal = 375,
Oil = 150,
Gas = 350,
Nuclear = 275,
VerticalErrorValue = 55,
HorizontalErrorValue = 0.5
EnergyProductions.Add(new EnergyProduction
ID = 7,
Region = "Europe",
Country = "Itly",
Coal = 289,
Oil = 150,
Gas = 350,
Nuclear = 275,
VerticalErrorValue = 15,
HorizontalErrorValue = 0.11
EnergyProductions.Add(new EnergyProduction
ID = 8,
Region = "Asia",
Country = "India",
Coal = 654,
Oil = 150,
Gas = 350,
Nuclear = 275,
VerticalErrorValue = 20,
HorizontalErrorValue = 0.4
EnergyProductions.Add(new EnergyProduction
ID = 9,
Region = "Asia",
Country = "China",
Coal = 765,
Oil = 180,
Gas = 450,
Nuclear = 375,
VerticalErrorValue = 65,
HorizontalErrorValue = 0.2
WPF Error Bar Chart User Guide
Learn more about the available options to customize WPF Error Bar Charts.