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The WinUI Column Chart (Vertical Bar Chart) uses vertical bars (called columns) to display different values of one or more items. The column chart is likely the most common chart type being used. It is like a bar chart except that the bars are vertical, not horizontal. Points from other series are drawn as columns next to each other. The chart supports zooming, scrolling, tooltip, trackball, and selection.

WinUI Column Chart Documentation

WinUI Column Chart

Key Features

WinUI Column Chart with Overlapping Bars

Overlapping Chart

Compare two different types of relational values using WinUI Column Charts that overlap one another.

WinUI Column Chart with Gradient Brush


Apply gradient colors to visualize data in different colors, improving the readability and appearance of the WinUI Column Chart.

WinUI Column Chart with Multiple Axes

Multiple Axes

Use multiple axes to plot different data sets that widely vary from one another.

WinUI Column Chart with Data Labels

Data Labels

Data labels display information about data points. Customize the labels’ foreground, border, and background. Template support to customize the default label’s appearance with a desired view. Rotate a data label by a specified angle.

Code Guideline

Easily get started with WinUI Column Chart using a few simple lines of XAML and C# code, as demonstrated below.

<Window x:Class="ChartExample.MainPage"
        Title="WinUI Column Chart" Height="450" Width="700">
        <chart:SfCartesianChart Height="300" Width="500">
            <!--Setting DataContext-->

            <!--Initialize the horizontal axis for the WinUI Chart-->

            <!--Initialize the vertical axis for the WinUI Chart-->

            <!--Adding Column Series to the WinUI Chart-->
            <chart:ColumnSeries ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" 
public class Model
    public string Month { get; set; }

    public double Target { get; set; }

    public Model(string xValue, double yValue)
        Month = xValue;
        Target = yValue;

public class ViewModel
    public ObservableCollection<Model> Data { get; set; }

    public ViewModel()
        Data = new ObservableCollection<Model>()
            new Model("Jan", 50),
            new Model("Feb", 70),
            new Model("Mar", 65),
            new Model("Apr", 57),
            new Model("May", 48),

Learning Resources

Navigate to GitHub code used to configure the WinUI Column Chart

GitHub Code

The WinUI Column Chart configuration code is available in GitHub.

Navigate to the options available in the user guide to customize the WinUI Column Chart

WinUI Column Chart User Guide

Learn more about the available options to customize WinUI Column Charts.

Navigate to the API references documentation of the WinUI Column Chart

WinUI Column Chart API Reference

Explore the WinUI Column Chart APIs.

Syncfusion WinUI DataViz & UI Controls

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