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The ASP.NET Core Ribbon control provides a structured and easy-to-use user interface for users to access different features and functions using a series of tabs, improving user experience and efficiency.

ASP.NET Core Ribbon control

Tabs and groups

Provides a structured way to organize and group related functions, improving user experience by enabling quick access to specific features within categorized sections. Each group contains a launcher button that reveals additional functions, allowing users to explore and utilize more tools efficiently.

ASP.NET Core Ribbon tabs and groups

Simplified layout

The ASP.NET Core Ribbon offers a simplified mode that organizes items and groups into a single row for improved usability and reduced clutter. End users can quickly navigate to other commonly used items in the overflow menu and switch to normal mode using built-in toggle button.

ASP.NET Core Ribbon simplified layout

Built-in Ribbon items

Several built-in support items, such as buttons, checkboxes, dropdown buttons, split buttons, combo boxes, and more can be customized and used to execute specific actions. Three size modes: large, medium, and small, are supported.

ASP.NET Core Ribbon button item

Button items

Use different sized buttons to showcase content and icons in a visually appealing and interactive manner.

ASP.NET Core Ribbon checkbox item

Checkbox items

Enables users to toggle between checked and unchecked states, caption the checkbox and position the label either before or after the checkbox.

ASP.NET Core Ribbon dropdown button item

The dropdown button item functions like a regular button, but includes a dropdown menu that displays menu items.

ASP.NET Core Ribbon split button item

Split button items

The split button item combines the functionality of a button with a dropdown menu, allowing users to perform a default action and access additional options.

ASP.NET Core Ribbon combobox item

Combobox items

The combobox item combines a drop-down list with an editable textbox, enabling users to select from predefined pop-up list options.

ASP.NET Core Ribbon colorpicker item

Colorpicker item

The color picker ribbon item enables users to select colors from a palette or define custom colors.

ASP.NET Core Ribbon gallery

In addition to the existing built-in items, gallery items allow users to perform specific actions by displaying a collection of related items, including icons, content, or images.

Custom ribbon items

The ASP.NET Core Ribbon supports templates to customize the ribbon items with any non-built-in items or HTML content.

ASP.NET Core Ribbon custom item

ASP.NET Core Ribbon contextual tab

Contextual tabs

The contextual tab allows users to display ribbon tabs on demand based on their needs. Similar to the normal ribbon tabs, it supports adding all built-in and custom ribbon items to execute specific actions.

Help pane

The help pane template, positioned at the right side of the Ribbon, enables users to access help content typically for actions such as managing document permissions, sharing functions, and more.

ASP.NET Core Ribbon help pane

ASP.NET Core Ribbon keytips


KeyTips enable users to quickly access the tabs or ribbon items using defined unique key tips (up to 3 characters). To display, press Alt + Windows/Command keys, and close or traverse back by pressing the Esc key.


The ASP.NET Core Ribbon control supports tooltips to display information when hovering over items, offering users additional details, enhancing user experience.

ASP.NET Core Ribbon tooltips

File menu

Supports a built-in menu that allows you to add file-related actions easily.

ASP.NET Core Ribbon file menu

Backstage view

In addition to the traditional file menu, the backstage view displays information such as application settings, user information, etc. The backstage options are displayed on the left, while the content of each option is shown on the right.

ASP.NET Core Ribbon backstage

Auto resize

The Ribbon efficiently manages space by expanding or collapsing groups, with larger groups collapsing first during resizing. Users can customize the order of groups according to their needs for a personalized Ribbon.

ASP.NET Core Ribbon auto resize

Built-in themes

The ASP.NET Core Ribbon supports these built-in themes: Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap 5, Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap, Material, Fabric, Fluent, and high contrast. Users can customize one of these built-in themes or create new themes to achieve their desired look and feel by simply overriding SASS variables or using the Theme Studio application.


  • Fully supports WAI-ARIA accessibility practices to work with screen readers and assistive devices.
  • Follows WAI-ARIA best practices for implementing keyboard interaction.
  • Follows WCAG 2.0 standards in design of the UI visual elements such as foreground color, background color, line spacing, text, and images.
  • Supports right-to-left (RTL) text direction for users working with RTL languages like Hebrew, Arabic, or Persian.

ASP.NET Core Ribbon code example

Easily get started with the ASP.NET Core Ribbon using a few simple lines of C# code example as demonstrated below. Also, explore our ASP.NET Core Ribbon example that shows you how to render and configure the ASP.NET Core Ribbon.

@using Syncfusion.EJ2
@using Syncfusion.EJ2.Navigations
@using Syncfusion.EJ2.Ribbon

    List<MenuItem> pasteOptions = new List<MenuItem>() { new MenuItem { Text = "Keep Source Format" }, new MenuItem { Text = "Merge format" }, new MenuItem { Text = "Keep text only" } };
    List<MenuItem> tableOptions = new List<MenuItem>() { new MenuItem { Text = "Insert Table" }, new MenuItem { Text = "This device" }, new MenuItem { Text = "Convert Table" }, new MenuItem { Text = "Excel SpreadSheet" } };

    List<MenuItem> menuItems = new List<MenuItem>() {
        new MenuItem { Text = "New", IconCss = "e-icons e-file-new", Id="new" },
        new MenuItem { Text = "Open", IconCss = "e-icons e-folder-open", Id="Open" },
        new MenuItem { Text = "Save as", IconCss = "e-icons e-save", Id="save" }

<div id="control-section">
    <ejs-ribbon id="ribbon">
        <e-ribbon-filemenusettings visible="true" menuItems=menuItems></e-ribbon-filemenusettings>
            <e-ribbon-tab header="Home">
                    <e-ribbon-group header="Clipboard" orientation=Column>
                            <e-ribbon-collection id= "paste-collection">
                                    <e-ribbon-item type="SplitButton" id="pastebtn" allowedSizes=Large>
                                        <e-ribbon-splitButtonSettings iconCss="e-icons e-paste" content="Paste" items=pasteOptions></e-ribbon-splitButtonSettings>
                            <e-ribbon-collection id= "cutcopy-collection">
                                    <e-ribbon-item type="Button">
                                        <e-ribbon-buttonsettings iconCss="e-icons e-cut" content="Cut"></e-ribbon-buttonsettings>
                                    <e-ribbon-item type="Button">
                                        <e-ribbon-buttonsettings iconCss="e-icons e-copy" content="Copy"></e-ribbon-buttonsettings>
            <e-ribbon-tab header="Insert">
                    <e-ribbon-group header="Tables" >
                                    <e-ribbon-item type="DropDown">
                                        <e-ribbon-dropDownSettings iconCss="e-icons e-table" content="Table" items=tableOptions></e-ribbon-dropDownSettings>


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