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The WPF Docking Manager provides dockable windows that can be dragged interactively around the screen to make them float over any location and dock back to the container like tool or document windows. It allows you to change the behavior of windows to create a layout that suits various development models.

Dock and floating windows

Dock windows at any side of a container. End users can dock and float windows interactively through drag and drop. A display of the dock preview helps show where the floating panel will be placed.

WPF Docking Dock Windows

Tabbed windows

End users can group the dock or float windows in tabs. Docking guides help you dock a window over or beside an already docked window. Position tabs horizontally or vertically in a group of dock or float windows. Customize the appearance of tabs and panels in a group of dock or float windows.

WPF Docking Tabbed Windows

Pinnable dock windows

Pin and unpin the groups of dock windows not being used in a container. Tabs for each unpinned window appear on the edges of the container. Hovering the pointer over one of these tabs will bring the related window content into view with smooth animation.

WPF Docking with Pinnable Dock Windows

Tabbed MDI forms

The WPF Docking provides the support to create document groups in your application using a Visual Studio-like tabbed document interface (TDI) and a multiple document interface (MDI). Utilize the tab group creation in both horizontal and vertical orientation, as well as quick switching of documents. This allows users to work with more than one document at the same time and seamlessly switch back and forth between the docked windows and Tabbed MDI forms.

WPF Docking with Tabbed MDI Forms

Restrict docking

End users can restrict windows to dock on specific sides of the target dock windows or edges of a form. Customize the dock hints visibility to show dock hints only on a specific side.

WPF Docking Float Window Restrictions


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