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The WPF MaskedTextBox control is an enhanced version of the text box that additionally restricts input to conform to a specific structure or mask.

Variable length mask expression

The WPF MaskedTextBox control gives you great flexibility to control variable length of data input.

WPF MaskedTextBox control variable length


Special symbols like currency symbols, date separators, decimal separators etc., are applied based on the provided culture

WPF MaskedTextBox based on culture

Custom prompt character

The WPF MaskedTextBox control provides the flexibility to customize the prompt character when the default prompt character ( _ ) is not suitable for your scenario.

WPF MaskedTextBox using custom prompt character

Validation Mode

The WPF MaskedTextBox control lets you to choose when to validate the data input.

WPF MaskedTextBox update value on lostfocus

Lost focus

Validate the data input when the control loses its focus.

WPF MaskedTextBox update value on keypress

Key press

Validation triggers for each key press.

Formatting Value

While fetching the value, masked text box control provides the option to format the text with literals and prompt characters.

WPF MaskedTextBox without prompt and literals

Exclude prompt and literals

Value contains only the typed characters; the prompt characters and literals are excluded.

WPF MaskedTextBox with prompt

Include prompt

Value contains the typed characters and available prompt characters, literals are excluded.

WPF MaskedTextBox with literals

Include literals

Value contains the typed characters and literals; prompt characters are excluded.

WPF MaskedTextBox with prompts and literals

Include prompt and literals

Value contains typed characters, prompt characters, and literals.


The watermark will prompt you with instructions or important information, when it is not in focus and no characters are not entered.

WPF MaskedTextBox watermark text


Appearance is highly customizable.

WPF MaskedTextBox change text color

Text appearance

The WPF MaskedTextBox control allows you to change the font name, font style, font size and its color.

WPF MaskedTextBox change border color

Border color

Customize border color of the masked edit control to any of the preferred color.

WPF MaskedTextBox change error border color

Error border color

The WPF MaskedTextBox control provides the flexibility to customize the error border color when the default error border color (Color.Red) is not suitable for your scenario.

WPF MaskedTextBox Code Example

Easily get started with the WPF MaskedTextBox using a few simple lines of XAML and C# code example as demonstrated below. Also explore our WPF MaskedTextBox Example that shows you how to render and configure the MaskedTextBox in WPF.

<syncfusion:SfMaskedEdit x:Name="sfMaskedEdit" Width="100" Height="25" />
using Syncfusion.Windows.Controls.Input; 
public partial class MainWindow : Window 
    public MainWindow() 
        //Creating an instance of SfMaskedEdit control 
        SfMaskedEdit sfMaskedEdit = new SfMaskedEdit(); 
        sfMaskedEdit.Width = 100; 
        sfMaskedEdit.Height = 25; 
        //Adding SfMaskedEdit as window content 
        this.Content = sfMaskedEdit; 


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Masking the input value is made easy.
  • Three types of mask options based on input.
  • Watermark text support when value is null.
  • Simple configuration and API.
  • Touch-friendly and responsive UI.
  • Extensive demos, documentation to learn quickly and get started with WPF MaskedTextBox.

You can find our WPF MaskedTextBox demo on

GitHub location.

App center location.

Microsoft location.

No, this is a commercial product and requires a paid license. However, a free community license is also available for companies and individuals whose organizations have less than $1 million USD in annual gross revenue, 5 or fewer developers, and 10 or fewer total employees.

A good place to start would be our comprehensive getting started documentation.

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