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The WPF DataGrid control allows you to customize the appearance style of the control and its inner elements such as cells, rows, columns, column headers, filter UI pop-ups, row headers, and summary rows to adapt the control to the rest of your business application.

Editing styles using Visual Studio Designer

  • Edit the styles of WPF DataGrid elements in Visual Studio Designer.
  • Copy the element style templates to XAML view without writing a single line of code.
  • Edit the styles for every datagrid element, including the filter user interface pop-up.

Editing WPF DataGrid Style in Visual Studio

Row style

Customize a row style with the help of Visual Studio Designer. Users can add the row style template to a XAML view without writing a single line of code.

WPF DataGrid Row Style

Column style

Customize a column style with the help of Visual Studio Designer. Users can add the column style template to a XAML view without writing a single line of code.

WPF DataGrid Column Style

Other elements styles

Customize the style of all other elements, such as:

  • Summary row
  • Group caption row
  • Row header
  • Unbound row
  • Group drop area

WPF DataGrid Styling

Template selectors

Set any custom template to cells or rows using template selectors. Users can customize an appearance style based on the data conditionally.

WPF DataGrid Styling with Template Selectors

Animating the row or cell on property change

Customize a row or cell on property change. Row or cell animation is possible to show a better UI experience.

WPF DataGrid Cell Animation

Built-in themes

The WPF DataGrid control provides 10+ built-in themes support to adapt the control to the rest of your business application. Some of the different built-in themes are:

  • Fluent Light
  • Fluent Dark
  • Material Dark
  • Material Light
  • System Theme
  • Office 2019 Themes

Users can customize the built-in themes or create their custom themes by using the ThemeStudio utility.

WPF DataGrid with Blend Theme


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