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The Blazor Smith Chart is a component for showing the parameters of transmission lines in high-frequency circuit applications. Its rich feature set includes features like legends, markers, tooltips, and data labels.

Rendering type

Visualize both the impedance and admittance of transmission lines with Blazor Smith Chart.

Title and subtitle

Add a title and subtitle to the Blazor Smith chart component to visualize additional information about the data represented. You can customize the font and alignment of the title and subtitle.

Blazor Smith chart with title and subtitle

Multiple series

Plot any number of line series for representing data.

Blazor Smith chart with multiple series

Axis customization

The Blazor Smith chart component supports a horizontal axis and radial axis. The horizontal axis is used for plotting resistance values of transmission lines and the radial axis is used for plotting nonresistance values of transmission lines.

Blazor Smith chart with customized axis


Markers highlight data points to improve readability.

Blazor Smith chart with markers

Data labels

Easily annotate the data points with labels to improve the readability of data. The data labels in the Blazor Smith chart component are smartly arranged to avoid intersection when there are large amounts of data.

Blazor Smith chart with data labels


A legend provides additional information that is helpful in identifying individual series in a Smith chart. It can be docked at the left, right, top, or bottom positions around the plot area. By clicking a legend item, we can toggle series visibility.

Blazor Smith chart rendered with legend


Animate the series in the Blazor Smith chart while rendering.

Blazor Smith chart with animation


The interactive Blazor Smith chart displays a pop-up with additional information when the mouse is hovered over a data point.

Displays a tooltip on moving mouse over the Blazor Smith chart


Print or export the rendered Blazor Smith chart to save a local copy for further use.

Print and export example

Export Blazor Smith chart illustration


You can export the Smith chart to a PDF document or in image formats such as SVG, PNG, and JPEG in client-side.

Print Blazor Smith chart illustration


Print the rendered Smith chart directly from the browser.

Touch and browser support

The interactive Smith chart component also support touch interactions.

Touch illustration

Touch support

All the Blazor Smith Chart features will work on touch devices with zero configuration. Use the touch features, such as tooltips and toggling series visibility using the legend, without any customization.

Responsive illustration


You can view the Blazor Smith Chart component on various devices. Also hide specific elements in the Smith chart for particular screen sizes by making a very minimal change in the events.

Cross-browser illustration

Cross-browser support

You can render the Blazor Smith Chart component in all the modern browsers.

Blazor Smith Chart Code Example

Easily get started with the Blazor Smith Chart using a few simple lines of C# code example as demonstrated below. Also explore our Blazor Smith Chart Example that shows you how to render and configure the Smith Chart in Blazor.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

<SfSmithChart >
<SmithChartSeries Name="Transmission-2" DataSource='@SecondTransmissionData' Resistance="resistance" Reactance="reactance">
</SfSmithChart >
@code {
    public class SmithDataSource
        public double? resistance { get; set; }
        public double? reactance { get; set; }
    public List<SmithDataSource> SecondTransmissionData = new List<SmithDataSource> {
        new SmithDataSource { resistance= 20, reactance= -50 }, new SmithDataSource { resistance= 10, reactance= -10 },
        new SmithDataSource { resistance= 9, reactance= -4.5 }, new SmithDataSource { resistance= 8, reactance= -3.5 },
        new SmithDataSource { resistance= 7, reactance= -2.5 }, new SmithDataSource{ resistance= 6, reactance= -1.5 },
        new SmithDataSource { resistance= 5, reactance= -1 }, new SmithDataSource { resistance= 4.5, reactance= -0.5 },
        new SmithDataSource { resistance= 2, reactance= 0.5 }, new SmithDataSource { resistance= 1.5, reactance= 0.4 },
        new SmithDataSource { resistance= 1, reactance= 0.4 }, new SmithDataSource { resistance= 0.5, reactance= 0.2 },
        new SmithDataSource { resistance= 0.3, reactance= 0.1 }, new SmithDataSource { resistance= 0, reactance= 0.05 },

Other supported frameworks

Smith chart is also available in JavaScript, Angular, React and Vue frameworks that are built from their own TypeScript libraries. Check out the different Smith chart platforms from the links below,

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