The Blazor Floating Action Button (FAB) is an extension of Blazor Button that appears in front of all the contents of the screens and performs the primary action. It supports several built-in features, such as icons, predefined styles, different button sizes, and UI customization.
Several predefined styles are available in Blazor Floating Action Button:
You can use a theme based on the context of your application.
The Blazor Floating Action Button provides built-in support to position the FAB on the page or target.
In FAB, use a button with an icon to the right or left of button text or choose an icon-only button.
The Blazor Floating Action Button supports several built-in themes such as Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap 5, Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap, Material, Fabric, Fluent, and high contrast. Users can customize these built-in themes or create new themes to achieve their desired look and feel by simply overriding SASS variables or using our Theme Studio application.
The Blazor Floating Action Button (FAB) component offers a range of APIs that allows developers to customize its appearance and behavior. With these APIs, developers can create a unique and highly personalized FAB that fits seamlessly into their applications.
Easily get started with the Blazor Floating Action Button using a few simple lines of C# code example as demonstrated below. Also explore our Blazor Floating Action Button Example that shows you how to render and configure the Blazor FAB.
- @using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons
- <SfFab IconCss="e-icons e-edit"/>
The Floating Action Button component is also available in Angular, React, Vue, and JavaScript frameworks. Check out the component on other platforms using these links:
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