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Blazor Histogram Chart is a bar (column) chart used for frequency distribution in which the widths of the bars are proportional to classes into which variables have been divided and the heights of the bars are proportional to class frequencies.

Distribution curve

Provides a graphical representation of the normal distribution of data.


Marks data points with built-in shapes such as circles, rectangles, ellipses, vertical lines, horizontal lines, diamonds, triangles, pluses, crosses, and pentagons. In addition to these shapes, use images to make the point more attractive.

Data label

Data labels display information about data points. Add a template to display data labels with HTML elements such as images, DIV, and spans for more informative data labels. You can rotate a data label by its given angle.

Vertical chart

The Blazor Histogram Chart can be transposed vertically to view the data in a different perspective.


Customizes the color and border of the Blazor Histogram Chart using built-in APIs to make it visually unique.

Blazor Histogram Chart Code Example

Easily get started with Blazor Histogram Chart using a few simple lines of C# code, as demonstrated below. Also explore our Blazor Histogram Chart example that shows you how to render and configure the chart.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

<SfChart Title="Score of Final Examination">
    <ChartArea><ChartAreaBorder Width="0"></ChartAreaBorder></ChartArea>

    <ChartPrimaryXAxis Minimum="0" Maximum="100">
        <ChartAxisMajorGridLines Width="0"></ChartAxisMajorGridLines>

    <ChartPrimaryYAxis Minimum="0" Maximum="6" Interval="2" Title="Number of Students">
        <ChartAxisMajorGridLines Width="0"></ChartAxisMajorGridLines>

        <ChartSeries DataSource="@ExamScores" YName="Y" Type="ChartSeriesType.Histogram" BinInterval="20" ShowNormalDistribution="true" ColumnWidth="0.99">
            <ChartMarker Visible="true" Height="10" Width="10">
                <ChartDataLabel Visible="true" Position="LabelPosition.Top">
                    <ChartDataLabelFont Color="#ffffff" FontWeight="600"></ChartDataLabelFont>

    <ChartTooltipSettings Enable="true"></ChartTooltipSettings>


    public class Data
        public double Y { get; set;}

    public List<Data> ExamScores = new List<Data>
       new Data { Y=5.250},
       new Data { Y=7.750},
       new Data { Y=8.275},
       new Data { Y=9.750},
       new Data { Y=36.250},
       new Data { Y=46.250},
       new Data { Y=56.250},
       new Data { Y=66.500},
       new Data { Y=76.625},
       new Data { Y=80.000},
       new Data { Y=97.750}

Not sure how to create your first Blazor Histogram Chart? Our documentation can help.

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