Blazor Bubble chart is like a scatter chart, but allows you to visualize data in 3 dimensions. The size of the bubble is determined based on the third parameter.
Appearance of each data point in a Blazor Bubble Chart can be customized using point render event to differentiate each point based on the size.
Data labels display information about data points. Add a template to display data labels with HTML elements such as images, DIV, and spans for more informative data labels. You can rotate a data label by its given angle.
Easily get started with Blazor Bubble Chart using a few simple lines of C# code, as demonstrated below. Also explore our Blazor Bubble Chart example that shows you how to render and configure the chart.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartSeries DataSource="@SalesReports" XName="X" YName="Y" Type="ChartSeriesType.Bubble">
public class ChartData
public double X { get; set; }
public double Y { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
public List<ChartData> SalesReports = new List<ChartData>
new ChartData { X= 92.2, Y= 7.8, Text= "China" },
new ChartData { X= 74, Y= 6.5, Text= "India" },
new ChartData { X= 90.4, Y= 6.0, Text= "Indonesia" },
new ChartData { X= 99.4, Y= 2.2, Text= "US" },
new ChartData { X= 88.6, Y= 1.3, Text= "Brazil" },
new ChartData { X= 99, Y= 0.7, Text= "Germany" },
new ChartData { X= 72, Y= 2.0, Text= "Egypt" },
new ChartData { X= 99.6, Y= 3.4, Text= "Russia" },
new ChartData { X= 99, Y= 0.2, Text= "Japan" },
new ChartData { X= 86.1, Y= 4.0, Text= "Mexico" },
new ChartData { X= 92.6, Y= 6.6, Text= "Philippines" },
new ChartData { X= 61.3, Y= 1.45, Text= "Nigeria" },
new ChartData { X= 82.2, Y= 3.97, Text= "Hong Kong" },
new ChartData { X= 79.2, Y= 3.9, Text= "Netherland" },
new ChartData { X= 72.5, Y= 4.5, Text= "Jordan" },
new ChartData { X= 81, Y= 3.5, Text= "Australia" },
new ChartData { X= 66.8, Y= 3.9, Text= "Mongolia" },
new ChartData { X= 78.4, Y= 2.9, Text= "Taiwan" }