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The UWP Linear Gauge is a data visualization component that helps display numerical values on a linear scale. It has highly customizable features such as scales, pointers, ranges, and annotations. Also, it lets you create a value indicator, pressure gauge, thermometer, ruler, progress bar, KPI, and more.

Gauge scales

The axis of an UWP Linear Gauge is a linear scale, where a set of values can be plotted based on any business logic. The appearance of a scale can be customized easily. You can change linear scale orientation to either horizontal or vertical.

UWP Linear Gauge shows vertical gauge with customized labels.

Labels customization

Customize the look and feel of the default labels using the font style, size, and color properties. Prefix or suffix text also can be added to the label.

UWP Linear Gauge shows horizontal gauge with customized ticks.

Ticks customization

Define your own style for minor and major ticks using the size, color, and thickness properties.

UWP Linear Gauge supports scale positioning.


To enhance readability, change the default scale position by setting the offset value for labels and ticks.

UWP Linear Gauge supports gradient color.

Gradient color

Colors vary gradually based on scale values, which gives a smooth color transition effect.

UWP Linear Gauge shows right-to-left scale direction.


You can change the scale direction to backward (inversed) or forward.

Gauge range

A range is a visual element that helps visualize a value that falls on a linear scale quickly.

UWP Linear Gauge shows customized range position.

Range position

You can change or move the range position to any place in a gauge.

UWP Linear Gauge shows different range thickness values.

Range thickness

Range thickness varies based on values, displaying the actual usage and enhancing readability.

UWP Linear Gauge supports gradient color.

Gradient range color

Range colors vary gradually based on scale values, which gives a smooth color transition effect.

UWP Linear Gauge shows multiple range support.

Multiple ranges

Add multiple ranges to a scale to show color variations in a gauge.

Bar pointer

The bar pointer is used to point out the current value from the start value of a linear scale.

UWP Linear Gauge shows bar pointer support.

Pointer position

The position of the bar pointer can be changed or moved to any place inside the gauge.

UWP Linear Gauge shows bar pointer corner radius support.

Corner radius

Bar pointer provides options to add the corner radius at the start, end, and on both sides of the pointer. This support provides a rich styling experience for data visualization.

UWP Linear Gauge shows bar pointer gradient color support.

Gradient color

Bar pointer colors vary gradually based on scale values, which gives a smooth color transition effect.

Symbol pointers

The current value in the linear scale can be pointed out by using marker pointers. The pointer type can be changed to built-in shapes, such as triangles, inverted triangles, squares, or circles to highlight the values.

UWP Linear Gauge shows symbol pointer support.

Pointer position

Marker pointers can be changed or moved to any place in the gauge.

UWP Linear Gauge shows symbol pointer with image pointer support.

Image pointers

The marker pointer can be customized by adding images to highlight the values.


Annotations display metadata about a circular gauge at a specific point of interest in the plotting area.

UWP Linear Gauge shows image annotation support.

Image annotations

Annotations provide options to add any image to the gauge control with respect to its offset position. Multiple images can also be added to a single control.

UWP Linear Gauge shows text annotation support.

Text annotations

Add any text in gauge control to enhance readability. Multiple text instances can also be added to a single control.


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