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The tree grid control can be used to effectively visualize self-referential hierarchical data. It has support for all the common grid functionality like sorting, editing, column resizing, and column customization.


Sort columns based on any field. You can also perform multicolumn sorting by selecting the desired column headers while holding the Ctrl key. Sorting in JSP TreeGrid


The data source in tree grid can be edited through grid cell editing. The following built-in editor types are available:

  • String
  • Boolean
  • Numeric
  • Drop-down
  • Date Picker String editing in JSP TreeGrid Boolean editing in JSP TreeGrid Numeric editing in JSP TreeGrid Drop-down editing in JSP TreeGrid Date Picker editing in JSP TreeGrid

Row Customization

Row template is used to customize the tree grid rows based on requirements. Row template in tree grid supports JsRender template and AngularJS template. Row customization in JSP TreeGrid

Column Chooser

Column chooser allows users to show/hide columns at runtime. Column chooser in JSP TreeGrid

Row Drag-and-Drop

Tree grid rows can be dynamically re-ordered via drag-and-drop. Drag and drop JSP TreeGrid rows

Column Resizing

Dynamically resize columns. Resizing JSP TreeGrid Columns

Column Customization

Columns can be customized by using column templates. Column customization in JSP TreeGrid

Summary Row

Visually summarize an entire column at the end of each hierarchy level or for the entire tree grid. Some of the supported operations include sum, average, maximum, minimum, count, true count, false count, minimum date, and maximum date. Summary row in JSP TreeGrid

Detail View

Display a detailed view of a row either inline or as a pop-up. Popup view in JSP TreeGrid Inline view in JSP TreeGrid


The user interface of the tree grid is virtualized to obtain the best possible scrolling performance even when dealing with large amounts of data.

Context Menu

Using context menu, you can edit or delete a selected row. It is also possible to add a new row through the context menu. Context menu in JSP TreeGrid

Custom Context Menu

Now you can add custom context menu items in the tree grid context menu. Custom context menu support in JSP TreeGrid

Column Filtering

Using filter bar in tree grid, you can filter data by single or multiple columns dynamically. Column filtering feature in JSP TreeGrid


Toolbar contains options for editing and deleting selected rows. It also contains options for adding new rows, and expanding and collapsing all parent rows. Toolbars in JSP TreeGrid


By clicking the PDF export icon available in the tree grid toolbar, the contents of the tree grid control can be exported to PDF documents. Exporting support in JSP TreeGrid


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