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The JSP Pivot Chart control, written in jQuery, organizes and summarizes business data and displays the result in a graphical format.

Data binding

The JSP Pivot Chart provides extensive support to bind OLAP and pivot data sources.

  • OLAP Data Sources - SSAS, Mondrian, ActivePivot and Oracle.
  • Pivot Data Sources - DataTable, DataView, and DataSet from SQL databases, or collections like IEnumerable, ICollection, IList, List and ArrayList.

OLAP and relational data binding in JSP pivot chart control

Optimized for mobile devices

Touch support for JSP pivot chart control

Touch support

All features work smoothly on desktop and tablet devices. Drill up, drill down, and other chart interactions can be done on the fly.

Responsive view of JSP pivot chart control

Responsive support

Responsive support allows the control layout to be viewed on desktop and tablet devices.


End users can easily slice and dice the OLAP cube elements of their choice to visualize performance, trends, outliers, and more.

Slice and Dice functionality in JSP pivot chart control

Slice and dice

With slice and dice, you can create a new view for end users by selecting dimensions and measures from the data source OLAP cube and filtering them.

Named sets support in JSP pivot chart control

Named sets

Named sets simplify MDX queries and provide useful aliases for complex, commonly used set expressions.

Creates user-defined, aka calculated members in JSP pivot chart control

Calculated members and measures

You can create and display dimensions and measures on your own.

Chart types

The JSP Pivot Chart supports common chart types: column, stacking column, bar, stacking bar, area, step area, spline area, stacking area, pie, pyramid, line, step line, and spline. Each chart type is easily configurable with built-in support for creating stunning visual effects.

JSP pivot chart control types

Drill operation in pivot chart control

Drill down and drill up

There is built-in support for drilling in (expand) or out (collapse) to visualize the multidimensional and pivot data. Allowing this to be driven by the context menu makes it intuitive to the user.

Multi-level labels

The multi-level labels, also known as grouping labels, allow you to drill down and drill up to different levels based on the bound data.

Muti-level labels in pivot chart control

Filters row and column headers in pivot chart control


Built-in filter options allow users to easily filter and visualize the data in a chart.


Order series based on values. This is applicable only for pivot data sources.

Sorting row and column headers in pivot chart control

JSP Pivot Chart types in 3D

3D Pivot Chart

The control offers 3D views for bar charts, column charts, stacking bar charts, stacking column charts, and pie-type charts for stunning visualization.


A color code helps to differentiate among chart series items. A legend has labels beside each color to present some detail about the series.

Identifies chart labels through legend in JSP pivot chart control

Axes and series

series customization in JSP pivot chart control

Series customization

Customize the series color, border color, and border width of the control.

Data labels in JSP pivot chart control

Data labels

Data labels provide information about a data point with the help of adornments in series.

Axis labels in JSP pivot chart control

Axis labels

Customization options for the axis labels include positioning, placement, label format, and rotation. There are also options for avoiding label overlapping.

Multiple axes support in JSP pivot chart control

Multiple axes

An area can be split into multiple panes to draw multiple series with multiple axes.

Animation in JSP pivot chart control


Chart series can be animated when rendering and refreshing the control.

Title in JSP pivot chart control


Titles provide captions for a chart and its axes, describing the control’s actual purpose in an application.


Display metadata about the chart or series at specific points of interest in the plotting area.

Annotations in JSP pivot chart control

User interaction

Interaction features like zooming, panning, markers, crosshairs, and tooltip are supported for better user experience in the JSP Pivot Chart control.

Symbolic representation of points in JSP pivot chart control

Marker and Cross Hair

Marker is a symbolic representation of points in the control. Crosshair will return the exact data for the X and Y coordinates under the pointer.

Zooming support in JSP pivot chart control


Users can take a close look at a data point plotted in a series at runtime with the zooming feature.

Panning support in JSP pivot chart control


Users can click and drag the pointer across a zoomed-in chart to navigate to data points for better viewing.

Tooltip support in JSP pivot chart control


Tooltip provide basic information about a series while the pointer is hovering over it.

Exporting and printing

The JSP Pivot Chart control can be exported to a Word, PDF, or Excel document, and image formats like SVG, PNG, and JPEG.

Exports pivot chart control to Excel

Globalization and localization

Globalization in JSP pivot chart control


Allows users from different locales to use the control by applying a date format, currency format, and number format that suit local preferences.

Localization support in JSP pivot chart control


Allows users to customize the text in the user interface based on the local culture.

Custom style and themes

Built-in theme support in JSP pivot chart control

Built-in themes

Ships with a set of 13 stunning, built-in themes like azure, lime, and saffron in light, dark, and gradient patterns.

Custom CSS for JSP pivot chart control

Custom styling

Customize the appearance of the control to any extent.

Cross-browser and cross-platform

The JSP Pivot Chart control will work on all major browsers across Windows and macOS. It is written in jQuery to provides the same working experience on popular browser like Chrome 17+, Firefox 22+, and Internet Explorer 8+. It also works with various platforms like ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core, TypeScript and PHP.

Browser compatibility for JSP pivot chart control

Third party framework support

The JSP Pivot Chart control has built-in integration with popular third-party frameworks such as Angular, React, Ember, and Aurelia. Check out the control’s unique features for each platform:


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