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The spell check control helps find and highlight misspelled words in given content, typically by comparing the content with a stored list of dictionary words.

Dialog Mode

Dialog mode helps correct spelling errors in the given input string through a pop-up window. In dialog mode, you can choose a command to change or ignore spelling errors, and also add a specific word to the stored dictionary.

Dialog Mode

Context Mode

Context Mode

Context mode allows users to correct spelling errors using a context menu that contains a list of suggestions plus options to ignore all errors and add words to the stored dictionary. Custom items can also be added to the context menu.

Misspelled Word Style

Customize the appearance of misspelled words with user-defined styles.

Custom Dictionary

Use a custom dictionary to store and maintain custom words like technical terms, brand names, and more.

Ignore Settings

The spell check control provides options to ignore uppercase words, mixed case words, alphanumeric words, file paths, and email addresses when checking for errors.

Maximum Suggestion Count

Limit the number of suggestions to be displayed for a misspelled word in context mode or dialog mode.



The spell check component renders its layout based on browser size with optimal user interfaces for phone, tablet, or desktop.

Multiple Targets

Support has been added to check the spelling of content of multiple HTML elements such as div, span, textarea, and input elements based on their CSS class names. Now you can check the spelling of multiple targets by specifying ID, CSS class name, or both.

Multiple Targets

Spelling Check on Typing

Spelling Check on Typing

The spelling of content can be checked by pressing Enter and the space bar simultaneously. The component also provides the option to check spelling at regular intervals after some delay. The cursor position monitors and restores its position automatically after performing the spelling check operation. When multiple targets are enabled, the target that has focus must be considered as the active element.

Check Spelling of IFrame Content

The spell check control allows you to check the spelling of the content of IFrame elements.

Check Spelling with Synchronous Request

The spell check control provides an option to check for spelling errors by sending a synchronous request.

Error Word Suggestions

The spell check control provides an option to pass the error word to the client-side public method and then retrieve correction suggestions.


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