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The ASP.NET MVC scheduler control is an event calendar that facilitates almost all the basic Outlook and Google Calendar features, allowing the user to plan and manage appointments and time efficiently.

ASP NET MVC scheduler control


The schedule control is available with two types of orientation: vertical and horizontal. It is rendered vertically by default. The time cells are rendered horizontally in the horizontal orientation, and vertically in the vertical orientation.

Data Binding in Scheduler

Data Binding

The scheduler control has integrated support for Knockout and Angular data binding. Angular directives are also supported. Data binds seamlessly with various data sources such as RESTful and WCF services and so on.

Time Mode

The schedule control supports both 12-hour and 24-hour time formats.

Time Mode

Business Hours

Business Hours

The schedules view can be easily customized to display specific start and end hours.

Quick Appointment Window

The quick appointment window lets your end users create an appointment with just a single click. Users are prompted for the appointment subject and use the default duration of the selected cell.

Quick Appointment Window



The recurrence option plays a vital role within the schedule control, enabling appointments to be repeated on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.

Appointment Template

The appointment templates can be customized to add any kind of text, image, or style.

Appointment Template

Time Indicator

Time Indicator

The current time can be indicated on the scheduler UI across the current date column. This allows users to easily identify the current date and time on the schedule. In cases of multiple resources, multiple time indicators will be displayed.


Built-in localization support allows the ASP NET MVC Scheduler to localize all the static text and date content to any desired language.

Localization in Scheduler

Multiple Resources with Grouping

Multiple Resources with Grouping

This feature allows users to group various resources at different levels. With this feature enabled, users are able to add the same appointment for multiple resources simultaneously.

Context Menu

The schedule control has a context menu with default options to manipulate (add/edit/delete) appointments, change other settings like switching between the current views and time mode, and add custom menu options.

Context Menu

Appointment Categorize

Appointment Categorize

The appointment categorize option allows the user to differentiate each appointment type by its color. It has been provided with complete customization options. Appointments can be categorized either through a context menu option or through the normal appointment window with categorize settings. The option also extends to the level of applying multiple categories to the same appointment.

Users can search appointments based on subject, description, start date, and end date. The resulting appointments can be obtained and displayed either in a grid or any internal processing.

Appointment Search

Scheduler provides support for printing


Print support provides two options: print the complete schedule along with its background color or print specific appointments.

Export Appointments

Export support allows schedule appointments to be exported in .ics, .pdf and .xls format files.

Import Appointments

Import Appointments

ICS files generated from any calendar like Outlook, Google, and others can be easily imported into the schedule control.

Custom Date Rendering

A user-specific date collection can be displayed alone on the schedule, which can be a periodic date range or different date collections.

Cell Height and Width

Cell Height and Width

The height and width of the cells within the schedule control can now be customized.

Date Format

The date format can be easily customized and the ASP.NET MVC Scheduler is allowed to accept any of the standard date formats.

Date Format

Minimum and Maximum Date

Minimum and Maximum Date

The schedule control supports limiting date ranges. MinDate and MaxDate will define the date range available to the schedule. No navigation will be allowed outside of that range.

Adaptive Rendering

The Scheduler user interface adapts automatically to mobile and desktop devices. This helps the application scale elegantly across all form factors without any additional effort.

Adaptive Rendering

Appointment Priority

Appointment Priority

The priority feature allows users to prioritize appointments by depicting them with individual icons or images. Users can also customize the priority values and icons using a template.

Appointment Inline Delete

Appointments can be deleted inline. When hovering over an appointment, a button will appear, and clicking the “X” button on the appointment will delete it.

Appointment Inline Delete

Agenda View

Agenda View

The agenda view displays the list of appointments in a grid-like view, categorized based on the dates and resource levels. Edit and delete options have also been included, which show up when the mouse hovers across the events. By default, seven days are displayed in agenda view and the number of days to be displayed in it can also be customized.

Appointments Tooltip Template

The tooltip feature allows users to display schedule appointment details on mouseover. It can be customized using a template.

Appointments Tooltip Template

First Day of the Week

First Day of the Week

This feature allows the scheduler to modify the first day of the week and workweek. In the week and workweek view, the next consecutive seven or five days from the specified start day will be displayed on the scheduler.

Workweek Customization

This feature allows users to customize the display of the workweek view with a user-defined days collection. For example, it is possible to display the workweek view starting Tuesday and display up to Saturday.

Workweek Customization

Blocking Time Intervals

Blocking Time Intervals

Time slots in schedules can be blocked so that restrictions can be set on those time slots and also on appointments that lie in that blocked range. Blocked appointments will be made read-only and CRUD operations on them will be prevented.

Hide Weekend Days

Weekend days can be hidden from the schedule to display only the working days on all views.

Hide Weekend Days

Add and Edit Appointments Inline

Add and Edit Appointments Inline

With this feature enabled, users can create and edit appointments inline through a single click on the schedule cells or on the existing appointment’s subject. Pressing Enter after the new subject text is typed in the inline text box will update and save the appointment appropriately.


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