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What’s New in Essential Studio for UWP


What’s New in Essential Studio® for UWP

2024 Volume 4 enhances our UWP file-format capabilities with programmatic management of JavaScript actions and annotation flattening in PDFs, plus an 80% performance improvement for global style application in the Excel Library.

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Excel Library

Performance improvement

The Syncfusion Excel (XlsIO) library performs with a significant 80% improvement when global styles are applied to Excel worksheets, processing faster and more efficiently.

PDF Library

Add and retrieve document-level JavaScript in a PDF

This functionality enables users to add or embed, retrieve, modify, and remove document-level JavaScript actions within PDF documents. These actions, written in ECMAScript, allow dynamic content and interactivity by executing scripts when the document is opened or in response to user interactions.

Add and retrieve document-level JavaScript

Flattening specific types of annotations in a PDF

This feature allows users to flatten specific types of annotations in PDF documents, converting them into static content while leaving others editable. It ensures secure, consistent viewing and is ideal for finalizing documents for sharing or submission.

Flattening specific types of annotations

Add date when signing a PDF document

This functionality allows users to set the date signed when adding signatures to PDF documents. This ensures the integrity and authenticity of the document.

Add signed date while signing a PDF

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