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What’s New in Essential Studio for Flutter


What’s New in Essential Studio® for Flutter

2024 Volume 4 makes cross-platform development with Flutter even easier with a new AI AssistView widget, WebAssembly support, and message suggestions in the Chat control.

What’s New seaprator What’s New in Essential Studio® for Flutter


  • All Syncfusion® Flutter widgets have been updated to support WebAssembly (WASM) as a compilation target for building web applications.
  • The minimum Dart version of our Flutter widgets has been updated to 3.3 from 2.17.

Assist View (Preview)

The Flutter AI AssistView widget enhances interaction between users and AI services. It provides a customizable, user-friendly interface for creating intelligent and responsive applications with AI services. It provides extensive customization options, allowing developers to modify the appearance and behavior of request and response bubbles, the input composer, action buttons, and more.

Key features

  • Scrollable placeholder: Allows users to specify a custom widget to display when there are no messages in the assist view with scrolling.
  • Messages: A list of AssistMessage objects that will be displayed in the assist interface as request or response messages, depending on the current user.
  • Composer: The primary text editor where users can compose new assist messages.
  • Action button: Represents the send button, which invokes a callback with the text entered in the default composer.
  • Bubble: Holds each message’s header, content, footer, and avatar.
  • Response loader: Allows users to specify a custom widget when the assist view generates responses.
  • Suggestions: This feature provides users with a list of message suggestions within the assist widget to expedite the conversation flow.

Default assist view

Chat (Preview)


This feature provides users with a list of message suggestions within the chat widget to expedite the conversation flow.

Chat suggestions


Trackball for specific series

This feature allows users to activate or deactivate the trackball for individual series.

Chart trackball

Up arrow icon