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Edit modes

DataGrid supports various edit modes such as inline, dialog, and batch edit (cell editing). These provide an interactive UI to add and edit records. In addition, editing can be performed programmatically.

Batch editing and saving bulk changes in JavaScript DataGrid.

Bulk editing

Bulk editing allows you to save the added, edited, and deleted records in a single request. This feature is used in the DataGrid by enabling the batch editing (cell editing) mode. This provides an Excel-like editing experience and saves all the changes.

Custom editor/customizable edit UI

The editor for a DataGrid cell can be specified by providing the edit type. The preferred editor can also be defined for specific columns.

JavaScript DataGrid using custom edit UI.

JavaScript DataGrid with validation.


While updating cells or rows, the DataGrid validates user inputs. This helps users to improve overall data quality by validating user input for accuracy and completion. The users can also customize validation criteria and message according to their requirement.


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