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The ASP.NET MVC Sidebar, also called the side navigation menu, can be used to simplify the navigation hierarchy. Users can place primary or secondary content alongside the main content in this control. It provides a flexible container that can be expanded or collapsed based on user interactions. Any type of HTML content or component can be placed in the Sidebar for quick access and easy navigation, like quick references, menus, lists, and tree views.

Transition and animation

Different types of slide-out content in the Sidebar control give users the flexibility to view or hide content over or above the main content by pushing, sliding, or overlaying it.

HTML content positioning to the sides

The Sidebar control positions its content to the left or right side of the main content area. This option allows the placement of two sidebars in a page, to the left and right, to show primary and secondary content simultaneously.

Dock the HTML side panel content

When the side content is docked to give the main content more space, the navigation text is represented as a shortened view of icons.

Toggle Sidebar menu

Bind custom actions to an element (hamburger menu or buttons) to toggle the Sidebar.

Responsive Sidebar

Auto closing the Sidebar control’s content allows the main content area to be more readable.

Shows the responsive state of ASP.NET MVC Sidebar by auto closing

ASP.NET MVC Sidebar animation

Animate Sidebar

Show or hide the ASP.NET MVC Sidebar with CSS3 animation effects.


Apply a shadow effect to the content area until the Sidebar menu closes.

ASP.NET MVC Sidebar backdrop

ASP.NET MVC Sidebar with ListView

Incorporate Syncfusion controls

Easily integrate any Syncfusion ASP.NET MVC UI control within the Sidebar.

Fit to target

The ASP.NET MVC Sidebar can render within any HTML target element.

ASP.NET MVC Sidebar target

Shows the ASP.NET MVC Sidebar inside a mobile panel

Mobile-friendly side navigation menu

The Sidebar control’s responsive mode gives an adaptive, redesigned UI appearance for mobile devices.

Media query

Control the expand and close behavior of the ASP.NET MVC Sidebar based on screen resolution.

Developer-friendly APIs

Developers have control over all the UI elements and behaviors of the components to provide the best user experience with a rich set of developer-friendly APIs.

Other supported frameworks

The Sidebar component is also available in our Blazor, React, Angular, JavaScript, and Vue frameworks. Check out the Sidebar in different platforms from these links:


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