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The jQuery Pivot Table widget organizes and summarizes business data and displays the result in a cross-table format.

Data binding

The jQuery Pivot Table simulates the pivot table feature of Excel. The data source for the widget can be an OLAP or pivot data source.

  • OLAP Data Sources: Supports SSAS, Mondrian, ActivePivot and Oracle.
  • Pivot Data Sources: Supports DataTable, DataView, DataSet from SQL databases or collections like IEnumerable, ICollection, IList, List and ArrayList.

OLAP and relational data binding in jQuery pivot grid Widget

Optimized for mobile devices

Touch support for jQuery pivot grid Widget

Touch support

All the features work smoothly on desktop and tablet devices. Features such as drill up and drill down, filtering, sorting, and report manipulation can be done on the fly.

Responsive view of jQuery pivot grid Widget

Responsive support

The responsive support allows the widget layout to be viewed on desktop and tablet devices.


End users can easily slice and dice the OLAP cube elements of their choice to visualize performance, trends, outliers, and more.

Slice and Dice functionality in jQuery pivot grid Widget

Slice and dice

With slice and dice, you can create a new view for end users by selecting dimensions and measures from the OLAP cube and filtering them.

Key Performance Indicators, aka KPI support in jQuery pivot grid Widget


The KPIs are a collection of calculations associated with a measure group that evaluates business success.

Paging support in jQuery pivot grid Widget


Extensive support has been provided to load and render large amounts of data without any performance constraints through paging or virtual scrolling.

Named sets support in jQuery pivot grid Widget

Named sets

Named sets simplify MDX queries and provide useful aliases for complex, commonly used set expressions.

Creates user-defined, aka calculated members in jQuery pivot grid Widget

Calculated members and measures

You can create and display dimensions and measures on your own.

Pivot table field list

The pivot table field list, also known as the pivot schema designer, is a powerful tool that allows you to create and manage a pivot table with either multidimensional or pivot data sources. End users can drag fields and filter them at runtime to create pivot reports as needed.

Field list support in jQuery pivot grid Widget for creating reports dynamically at run-time

Groups fields in jQuery pivot grid Widget to change existing reports dynamically at run-time

Group fields

Group fields, also known as grouping bar is automatically populated with fields from the bound data source. It allows end users to drag fields, filter and sort them, and alter the pivot report at runtime.

Drill down and drill up

Built-in support for drill down (expand) and drill up (collapse) to visualize the grid information in both abstract and detailed views.

Drill up or drill down functionalities in jQuery pivot grid Widget

defer update in jQuery pivot grid Widget

Defer update

Users can refresh the widget on demand instead of during every UI interaction in jQuery Pivot Table.

Editing and updating

Users can edit values at runtime and save their changes to the underlying data source, thereby reflecting the update in all the cells.

Editing or updating value cell at run-time in jQuery pivot grid Widget


Built-in header and Excel-like filter UIs with advanced filtering options to easily filter and view data as required. It is also possible to filter by code-behind.

Filters row and column headers in pivot grid widget

Header filtering

Displays only select values for a field. It can be achieved either through the UI or code-behind.

Excel like filtering meanu in pivot grid widget

Excel-like filtering

An advanced option to filter column and row headers based on label text or grand-total values.


Sorting supports ordering rows and columns based on labels or values.

sorting descending in pivot grid widget

Header sorting

Orders the column and row header text in ascending or descending order.

column sorting ascending in pivot grid widget

Column sorting

Column sorting, also known as value sorting, orders the column values in ascending or descending order. It is performed by clicking the column header.

Summaries and calculations

Summaries in jQuery pivot grid Widget


Provides extensive support for you to define your own custom summaries, plus 10 built-in summary types. You can apply this only for pivot data sources and perform though reports in code-behind.

Calculations in jQuery pivot grid Widget


Allows inserting new calculations at runtime and features 16 built-in calculation types. You can apply this only for pivot data sources and perform though reports in code-behind.

Calculated fields

The calculated field, otherwise known as unbound field generates unique field with our own calculated value by executing a simple user-defined formula. This functionality is applicable only for pivot data sources.

Calculated fields in jQuery pivot grid Widget

Expression fields in jQuery pivot grid Widget

Expression fields

Expression fields generate data by executing a user-defined expression. The generated data is specific to a few fields from the underlying data source. You can apply this only for pivot data sources and perform though reports in code-behind.

Drill through

The drill-through feature easily obtains a list of raw items for a particular value cell or summary cell.

Drill through raw data in jQuery pivot grid Widget

Formats cells at run time based on used-defined criteria in jQuery pivot grid Widget

Conditional formatting

Allows users to define conditions that, when met, format the font, color, and border settings, of values and summary cells.

Number formatting and date formatting

Number formatting and date formatting helps to transform the appearance of the actual cell value. This functionality is applicable only for pivot data sources.

Number formatting in pivot grid widget

Totals in jQuery pivot grid Widget


The subtotals and grand totals are calculated automatically by the pivot engine, inside and displayed in the pivot grid. It helps users to make decision based on the totals. Also, user can show or hide subtotals and grand-totals for rows and columns.

Columns and rows

Hyperlink support in jQuery pivot table Widget

User can retrieve information about a particular cell on hyperlink cell click. It later allows you to perform custom operations programmatically.

Context menu support in jQuery pivot table Widget

Cell context

You can perform custom operations in code-behind on right-clicking a cell. For example, a context menu or dialog can be created or invoked on right-clicking.

Selects the range of cells, aka cell selection in jQuery pivot table Widget


Provided extensive support for selecting a range of value cells.

Tooltip support in jQuery pivot table Widget


It provides basic information about a cell while hovering over it with the pointer.

Resizes columns in jQuery pivot table Widget

Column resizing

You can easily resize each column’s width with a simple drag operation at runtime.

Freezes headers in jQuery pivot table Widget

Freeze headers

Users can freeze row and column headers while performing scroll operations to have a precise view of the content.

Save and load reports

You can save reports from the current session as a stream in a database for later use.

Save and load reports in jQuery pivot table Widget

Exporting in jQuery pivot table Widget


You can export a jQuery pivot table to Excel, Word, and PDF documents.

Custom style and themes

Built-in theme support in jQuery pivot grid Widget

Built-in themes

Ships with a set of 13 stunning, built-in themes namely azure, lime and saffron in light, dark and gradient patterns.

Custom CSS for jQuery pivot grid Widget

Custom styling

The appearance the widget can be customized to any extent in code-behind.

Customizes jQuery pivot grid Widget appearance using theme studio

Theme studio

Easily customize all aspects of the widget’s appearance using the Theme Studio utility.

Developer friendly API

For a great developer experience, flexible built-in APIs are available to define and customize the jQuery Pivot Table widget. Developers can optimize the data bound to the control and customize the user interface (UI) completely using code with ease.

Web accessibility

Our jQuery Pivot Table has been developed to make it possible for people with disabilities to use and interact with the widget.

Web Accessibility in jQuery pivot table Widget

Globalization and localization

Globalization in jQuery pivot table Widget


Allows users from different locales to use the widget by applying appropriate date formats, currency formats, and number formats.

Localization in jQuery pivot table Widget


The pivot grid allows users to customize the text in the user interface based on the local culture.

Right-to-left in jQuery pivot table Widget

Right-to-left (RTL)

The text direction and layout of the pivot grid widget can be displayed from right-to-left(RTL) direction.

Cross-browser and cross-platform

The jQuery Pivot Table will work on all major browsers across Windows and macOS. It is written in jQuery to provide the same working experience on popular browser like Chrome 17+, Firefox 22+ and Internet Explorer 8+. It also works with various platforms like ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core, TypeScript, PHP and JSP.

Browser compatibility for jQuery pivot grid Widget

Third party framework support

The jQuery Pivot Table widget has built-in integration with popular third-party frameworks such as Angular, React, Ember, and Aurelia. Check out the widget unique features for each platform.

75+ jQuery UI WIDGETS

Integrates with Top Frameworks

Built-in integration with the most popular third-party frameworks, like Angular 2+, and React.

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