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The .NET MAUI waterfall chart explains gradual changes in the quantitative value of an entity that is subject to increments or decrements. This chart is often used to illustrate changes in revenues. You can create beautiful, animated, real-time, and high-performance waterfall charts that support interactive features such as zooming and panning, trackball, tooltip, and selection.

.NET MAUI waterfall chart.

Key features

.NET MAUI waterfall chart with autoSum feature

Total and intermediate sum

The .NET MAUI waterfall chart allows you to calculate the sum of previous data points and display the value as a new column.

.NET MAUI waterfall chart with customization

UI customization

The .NET MAUI waterfall chart supports customizing positive, negative, and summary segment colors using built-in APIs to make it visually unique.

.NET MAUI waterfall chart with data labels

Data labels

The data points of the .NET MAUI waterfall chart can easily be annotated with data labels to improve readability.

Code example

<ContentPage xmlns="" 
        <chart:SfCartesianChart HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">
            <!--Setting BindingContext-->

            <!--Initialize the horizontal axis for the .NET MAUI Cartesian Chart.-->

            <!--Initialize the vertical axis for the .NET MAUI Cartesian Chart.-->
            <!--Adding Waterfall Series to the .NET MAUI Cartesian Chart.-->
                        ItemsSource="{Binding Data}"
public class Model
    public string Month { get; set; }

    public double Target { get; set; }

    public Model(string xValue, double yValue)
        Month = xValue;
        Target = yValue;

public class ViewModel
    public ObservableCollection<Model> Data { get; set; }

    public ViewModel()
        Data = new ObservableCollection<Model>()
            new Model("Jan", 27),
            new Model("Feb", -12),
            new Model("Mar", 15),
            new Model("Apr", 11),
            new Model("May", -12),
            new Model("Jun", 14), 

Learning resources

Navigate to the GitHub code used to configure the .NET MAUI waterfall chart

GitHub Code

The .NET MAUI waterfall chart configuration code is available on GitHub.

Read the user guide for the options available to customize the .NET MAUI waterfall chart

.NET MAUI Waterfall Chart User Guide

Learn about the options available to customize the .NET MAUI waterfall chart.

Navigate to the API reference documentation of the .NET MAUI waterfall chart

.NET MAUI Waterfall Chart API Reference

Explore the .NET MAUI waterfall chart APIs.

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