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The Angular Rating is a highly customizable component to rate products or services with precise and accurate values by using built-in precision modes. The customization supported in the Angular Rating component makes rating more expressive instead of just showing numeric values.

Angular Rating Component

Precision modes

The Angular Rating component has several precision modes, which are listed below.

  • Full: The rating value is displayed in multiples of 1 (whole number).
  • Half: The rating value is displayed in multiples of 0.5 (half).
  • Quarter: The rating value is displayed in multiples of 0.25 (quarter).
  • Exact: The rating value is displayed in multiples of 0.1 (fraction).

Angular Rating Precision Modes


The Angular Rating component supports tooltips to provide more information about the rating. Tooltips can be customized using the template to provide more expressive content rather than the item’s numerical values.

Angular Rating Tooltip Template


Labels provide additional information about the current rating value. Labels can be customized using the template and placed in different positions around the rating.

Angular Rating Label

Angular Rating Templates


The Angular Rating component supports templates to customize rating items in different ways. Custom icons can be in the form of emojis, hearts, stars, SVG, and more.

Right to left (RTL)

The Angular Rating component supports right-to-left (RTL) rendering.

Angular Rating RTL


Customize rating items’ spacing, rated/unrated fill color, border color, and more, enabling it to fit the application’s needs.

Angular Rating item size

Size of the items

Customizing the size of the items makes the Rating component more accessible and accurate.

Angular Rating item spacing


Adjust the space between items in the Rating component.

Angular Rating rated unrated fill collors

Rated and unrated fill colors

Customize the fill color of rated and unrated states of an item.

Angular Rating border stroke thickness

Borders and stroke thickness

Customizing the border color and stroke thickness of rated and unrated items enhances their appearance and makes them stand out.

Built-in themes

The Angular Rating supports these built-in themes: Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap 5, Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap, Material, Fabric, Fluent, and high contrast. Users can customize one of these built-in themes or create new themes to achieve their desired look and feel by simply overriding SASS variables or using our Theme Studio application.

Web Accessibility

  • Fully supports WAI-ARIA accessibility to work with screen readers and assistive devices.
  • Follows WAI-ARIA best practices for implementing keyboard interaction.
    • Tab: Navigate to the Rating component.
    • Left Arrow: Decrease the rating value.
    • Right Arrow: Increase the rating value.
    • Up Arrow: Increase the rating value.
    • Down Arrow: Decrease the rating value.
  • Follows WCAG 2.0 standards in design of the UI visual elements such as foreground color, background color, line spacing, text, and images.

Angular Rating code example

Easily get started with the Angular Rating using a few simple lines of HTML and TS code example as demonstrated below. Also explore our Angular Rating example that shows you how to render and configure the Angular Rating.

<div class="control-section">
    <input ejs-rating id='rating'/>
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

selector: 'app-root',
template: `<!-- To Render Rating. -->
           <input ejs-rating id='rating'/>`

export class AppComponent { }

Other supported frameworks

The Rating component is also available in Blazor, React, Vue, and JavaScript frameworks. Check out the component on other platforms using these links:


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