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Angular Grid Virtualization is a technique for limiting UI rendering to just the parts that are currently visible. The Angular Grid Load on Demand helps load the data as needed instead of loading all data at once. This functionality helps to improve performance on control initial rendering time.

Angular Data Grid Row Virtualization.

Row Virtualization

Row Virtualization in Angular Data Grid allows loading and rendering rows only in the content viewport. It is an alternative way of paging where the data will be loaded while scrolling vertically.

Angular Data Grid Column Virtualization.

Column Virtualization

Column Virtualization in Angular DataGrid allows the columns of the data source to be virtualized and renders them in the viewport. You can scroll horizontally to view more columns.

Angular Grid/Data Grid Infinite scrolling

Infinite scrolling

Infinite scrolling is used to load large amounts of data in a lazy loading fashion in Angular DataGrid i.e., the buffer data is loaded only when the scrollbar reaches the end of the scroller.


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