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The PHP Range Selector control provides an intuitive interface for selecting a small range from a larger collection. It is commonly used in financial dashboards to filter a date range for data that needs to be visualized.

Data types

Plot any type of data in the range selector using different value types like numeric and date-time.

Chart types

Plot data in the range selector with different chart types like line, area, and step line.

Binding selected data

Bind selected data from the PHP Range Selector control to any other control using built-in events. PHP Range Selector with data binding.

Range selection

The range selector control provides the following ways to select a range.

  • Select a range through labels.
  • Drag the left and right thumbs.
  • Drag the selected range to maintain the same delta.

PHP Range Selector with range selection.


All the elements of the PHP Range Selector control are highly customizable with built-in APIs.

PHP Range Selector with labels.


Customize the size, color, font family, font attribute, and alignment of the labels using built-in APIs.

PHP Range Selector with thumbs.


Customize the appearance of the left and right thumbs using built-in APIs.

PHP Range Selector with grid lines.


Customize the color, stroke width, and visibility of the major and minor gridlines using built-in APIs.


Tooltip in the PHP Range Selector control displays the start and end values of a selected range, allowing users to easily select the required range.

PHP Range Selector with tooltip


The range selector supports right-to-left rendering and allows the series and scale direction to be displayed from right to left. This improves the user experience and accessibility of RTL languages.

PHP Range Selector with RTL

Touch and responsive support

The interactive PHP Range Selector control also supports touch interactions.

Touch illustration

Touch support

All the features of the range selector will work on touch devices with zero configuration.

Responsive illustration


You can view range selector on various devices. You can also hide specific elements in the range selector for particular screen sizes by making very minimal changes to the events.

Cross-browser illustration

Cross-browser support

You can render the PHP Range Selector control in all the modern browsers.


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