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Learn how easily you can add the Syncfusion Vue TreeView component to a Vue application. The Vue TreeView, also known as the Vue Tree Menu, is a graphical user interface component that represents hierarchical data in a tree structure. It provides great performance with its advanced features like load-on-demand, checkbox support, multiple selection, tree navigation, drag and drop, tree node editing, and template support. Users can bind data to the TreeView component from any valid data source, such as XML, JSON, and JSONP. This video demonstrates how to bind data to the TreeView component from local and remote data sources. It also shows how to enable check box and drag and drop options in the TreeView component and how to edit and select multiple nodes at a time.
Download Example: Getting Started with the Vue TreeView
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Learn how easily you can customize the Vue TreeView Component. This video demonstrates how to display the number of messages as a badge in the tree nodes. It also explains how to customize the TreeView nodes based on levels and display images and icons to the tree nodes using templates. It also shows how to customize the expand and collapse icons.
Download Example: Customize the Vue TreeView Component