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Learn how easily you can create and configure the Blazor Tree Grid of Syncfusion in a Blazor server application. I will explain how to add columns and show parent-child flat data using the expand and collapse options. I'll show you how to add useful features to your tree grid, too, like paging, sorting, and filtering.
Download Example: Getting Started with the Blazor TreeGrid
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Learn how to bind list data and service URLs to the Syncfusion Blazor Tree Grid component easily in a WebAssembly app. This video explains how to bind local list data that has hierarchical relationships and service URLs from a remote server to the Syncfusion Blazor Tree Grid.
Download Example: Binding List Data and Service URLs to the Blazor TreeGrid
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Learn how to enable editing options in the Blazor TreeGrid component of Syncfusion. You will also learn about the different cell edit types and modes. Also, see how to add command columns in the TreeGrid.
Download Example: How to Perform Editing in Blazor TreeGrid
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Learn how to customize edit dialog in a Syncfusion Blazor TreeGrid using templates.
Download Example: Customize the Edit Dialog Using Templates in Blazor TreeGrid
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Learn how to customize column headers and data in a Syncfusion Blazor TreeGrid using templates.
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Learn how to customize rows in our Syncfusion Blazor TreeGrid component using row and detail templates. You will also learn how to customize a row using the RowDataBound event and a cell using the QueryCellInfo event.
Download Example: Customize Blazor TreeGrid Rows Using Templates
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Learn how to display aggregate values in the footer of the Syncfusion Blazor TreeGrid component. You'll also see the different built-in aggregate types, custom aggregates, the footer template, and applying formatting.
Download Example: Deep Dive into Aggregates in the Blazor TreeGrid
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Learn how to work with filtering in the Syncfusion Blazor TreeGrid component. You'll also see the different filter hierarchy modes, filter operators, filter bar, filter menu, and Excel-like filters.
Download Example: Filtering Options in Blazor TreeGrid
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Learn how to select a row or cell with different selection types and modes in a Blazor TreeGrid component. You can also learn how to perform checkbox selection, toggle selection, and a few of its APIs
Download Example: How to Perform Selection in Blazor TreeGrid
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Learn how to perform excel exporting in our Blazor TreeGrid component. You will also learn how to customize the file name, theme, header, and footer of the exported excel document.
Download Example: Exporting Blazor TreeGrid to Excel
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Learn how to perform PDF exporting in our Syncfusion Blazor TreeGrid component. You will also learn how to customize the file name, theme, header, and footer of the exported PDF document.
Download Example: Exporting Blazor TreeGrid to PDF
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Learn how to customize a toolbar in a Syncfusion Blazor TreeGrid using templates.
Download Example: Customize Blazor TreeGrid Toolbar Using Templates