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Learn how easily you can create and configure Syncfusion Blazor Dropdown List in a Blazor Server App using Visual Studio 2019. In this video, you will learn how to add a simple Blazor Dropdown List to a Blazor Server App. You will see how to populate it with list data and remote data sources. You will also learn how to set a custom height and width for the Dropdown List pop-up.
Download Example: Getting Started with the Blazor Dropdown List
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Learn how to customize Syncfusion Blazor Dropdown List easily using templates in a WebAssembly app. This video explains how to customize the appearance of drop-down items, values, headers, and footers; display data-fetch action failures information; and show no records information using a template.
Download Example: Customize the Blazor Dropdown List Using Templates
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Learn how easily you can group the Blazor Dropdown List items as well as how to filter them. In this video, you will see different filter types in the Dropdown List and how to apply those filters.
Download Example: Filter and Group the Blazor Dropdown List Items
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Learn how easily you can create a Cascading Dropdown List using Blazor Dropdown List of Syncfusion. In this video, you will learn how to add a series of Syncfusion Blazor DropDown Lists to a Blazor application. Also, you will see how to populate the data source of the second DropDown List based on the value selected from the first DropDown List.
Download Example: How to Create a Cascading Dropdown List in Blazor
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Learn how to enable virtualization in the Syncfusion Blazor Dropdown List component. This video demonstrates how to implement virtualization, grouping with virtualization, keyboard interaction, searching, and filtering.
Download Example: Enable Virtualization in Blazor Dropdown List