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Learn how easily you can create and configure the Syncfusion Angular Tree Grid using the ng add command of Angular schematics. We'll add required columns and show parent-child hierarchal data using the expand and collapse options. I'll show you how to add prominent features to your tree grid, too, like paging, sorting, and filtering.
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Learn how easily you can bind self-referential data to the Syncfusion Angular Tree Grid. I'll explain how to bind the Tree Grid with data from a local data source, then data from a remote data source, and finally use an external AJAX request .
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Learn how you can edit cells in Syncfusion Angular Tree Grid. I'll explain the Tree Grid editing features like edit types, edit modes, and Command column.
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Learn how you can customize the edit dialog UI using templates in the Syncfusion Angular Tree Grid control. In this video, I explain how to use the templates to customize edit dialog fields using NumericTextBox, DatePicker, CheckBox controls. I also show you how to use the isAdd property to either disable the primary key field while editing or enable it while adding a row.
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Learn how you can bind observable data to the Syncfusion Angular TreeGrid control. In this video, I explain how to bind observables using the async pipe to subscribe to observable objects and get the latest emitted values. I also show how to bind observable data while expand operations are performed in the TreeGrid.
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Learn how you can perform CRUD operations in the Angular Tree Grid with observable data. In this video, I explain how to perform CRUD operations like insert, update, and delete in the Angular Tree Grid with observable data using the Angular in-memory web API module. Also, I explain the importance of setting the primary key to perform CRUD operations in the Angular Tree Grid.
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Learn how you can perform selection in the Syncfusion Angular Tree Grid control. In this video, I explain the selection types, selection modes, cell selection modes, and check box selection with its modes. I'll show you how to use APIs to select cells, rows, and check boxes in the Syncfusion Angular Tree Grid control.
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Learn how you can handle server-side data editing in the Syncfusion Angular TreeGrid control. In this video, I explain data binding using a remote call. You will also see how to insert, update, and remove a record and delete multiple records using the Syncfusion DataManager. To explain these CRUD operations for the Angular TreeGrid, I have used an ASP.NET Core web application with Angular as the front-end.
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Learn how you can perform filtering in the Syncfusion Angular Tree Grid control. In this video, I explain how to enable filtering, consider diacritic characters while filtering, and filter at initial rendering. I'll also show you the filter hierarchy modes, filter operators, and advanced filter types.
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Learn how you can customize the filter UI of the Syncfusion Angular Tree Grid control. In this video, I explain how to add a custom component in the filter UI using a filter template. I will show you how it works in the filter bar and advanced filter types like the filter menu and an Excel-like filter.
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Learn how you can export the Angular Tree Grid control of Syncfusion with complete customization. In this video, you will learn how to export Angular Tree Grid to both PDF and Excel formats. Also, you will learn how to customize the documents before exporting them. The exporting customization includes customizing the file name, adding headers and footers, and applying font-oriented customization to headers and records.
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Learn how you can show aggregates in the Angular Tree Grid control of Syncfusion. In this video, you can learn how to show aggregated values using the built-in aggregate types in the Tree Grid footer and how to hide them in child rows. Also, you can learn how to format the aggregate value, add more aggregations for same column, and calculate the aggregate value with your own aggregate function.