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See how easily you can create and configure the Angular Rich Text Editor component of Syncfusion. This video explains how to edit and format HTML content using the Syncfusion Angular Rich Text Editor component. It also explains a few of the important features of Rich Text Editor, like how to customize the toolbar, add HTML elements, and retrieve formatted HTML content.
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See how easily you can customize a toolbar in the Syncfusion Angular Rich Text Editor. This video explains about different types of toolbars and how to add a quick inline toolbar to the Rich Text Editor component.
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See how easily you can add custom tools to the toolbar in a Syncfusion Angular Rich Text Editor and integrate Syncfusion Angular Dialog component into it. You will also learn how to insert special characters in the editor.
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See how easily you can integrate a third-party library Tribute.js and Embedly libraries into the Rich Text Editor. You will learn how to open the autocomplete pop-up by typing @ in the editor. Also, you will see how to generate a card preview for a link using the Embedly library.
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Watch a quick overview on how to browse for and insert images in the Syncfusion Angular Rich Text Editor component using a file manager. This video explains how to browse for and select a file or folder from the file manager in the Rich Text Editor component. You will learn how to integrate and use the file manager in the RTE.
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Learn how to use Markdown editing in the Angular Rich Text Editor component. This video also explains how to preview Markdown syntax for tables, images, and links in HTML and customize Markdown syntax.