Syncfusion Feedback
Stopped Big-data and Data-Integration Syncfusion® stopped the development and no longer publish the new version of this product.


Release Version
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General Availability and Patching Support Tool tip information icon

Our general availability product releases for patch support include our service packs, our weekly NuGet release, and private patches sent to individual customers for all products and product versions under active development. These are available for defect fixes only and not for feature implementations.

Extended Support Tool tip information icon
Developer Support

Developer Support is an extension of general availability and patching support for our products. This support is only available for products under active development and available only to Premium Support customers as identified by Syncfusion®. While support for Syncfusion® validation defects will continue under Developer Support, support for feature enhancements is not guaranteed and will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Developer Support is only available to customers with a current license and cannot be added retroactively.

Limited Support Tool tip information icon

Limited Support is basic maintenance and troubleshooting support that is only available to Premium Support customers as identified by Syncfusion®. Only severe, mission-critical issues will be considered on a case-by-case basis for resolution and there will be no product enhancement support or defect fix support. Migration Support is also not part of Limited Support. Limited Support is only available to customers with a current license and cannot be added retroactively.

Extended Support

Extended Support is basic maintenance and troubleshooting support that is only available to our Premium Support customers as identified by Syncfusion®. Only severe, mission-critical issues will be considered on a case-by-case basis for resolution and there will be no product enhancement support or defect fix support. Migration support is also not part of Extended Support. Extended Support is only available to customers with a current license and cannot be added retroactively.

Retired Date
(End date for providing
security fixes) Tool tip information icon

Syncfusion® will fix security issues that are related to our controls and are not framework-dependent for customers with current, active subscriptions in place.

Retired Date
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DISCLAIMER: Syncfusion® will provide limited support that includes working samples and defect fixes for our Classic products. We will not accept new features. Prior version support for Classic products is not guaranteed and will be at the discretion of Syncfusion® Support.
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