Syncfusion Feedback

ActivePivot Data Visualization Using Syncfusion Essential BI

QuartetFS' ActivePivot is one of the leading OLAP server products that offers a greatly optimized in-memory computation engine providing a high-performance view of transactional data. ActivePivot's data is usually visualized from within QuartetFS’ Web site; however, many Syncfusion customers would like to integrate ActivePivot visualization into their own Web (ASP.NET, ASP.NET.MVC, Silverlight) and Windows (Windows Forms, WPF) applications. Syncfusion just added support for doing so by enabling ActivePivot in our BI controls: Essential Grid, Chart, and Client. This gives you great flexibility in incorporating ActivePivot data in custom applications.

In addition to linking to online demos showing this integration in Silverlight and ASP.NET, this white paper will instruct you how to:

  • Create a powerful .NET front end using Syncfusion.
  • Visualize ActivePivot data using Syncfusion Essential Studio BI.
  • Incorporate ActivePivot data in your custom applications.
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