Syncfusion OPX components are a unique set of libraries and components based on open source projects. These projects are enhanced and integrated to work with Syncfusion libraries.
Tesseract is an open source Optical Recognition(OCR) Engine, available under the Apache 2.0 license. It can be used directly, or (for programming) using an API to extract typed, handwritten or printed text from images. Tesseract OPX makes it easy for using Tesseract with Microsoft .NET. Tesseract OPX is also optimized for working with Syncfusion® Essential PDF for .NET to be able to process PDF documents with images that contain text. Tesseract OPX along with Essential PDF can process the text in images within the PDF documents and overlay them with searchable text.
Download MoreZXing (zebra crossing) is an open-source tool to decode barcode within images that come under Apache 2.0 license. It allows users to scan most of the 1D and 2D barcodes, including QR Code and Data Matrix Barcodes. Barcode OPX is used to optimize the working of ZXing with Syncfusion Essential PDF. The enhanced library scans the Barcode from the PDF document and returns the Barcode value and the Barcode type.
Syncfusion® Essential PDF now supports HTML to PDF conversion by using the advanced WebKit rendering engine. This converter can easily be integrated into any application of .NET platform such as WF, WPF, MVC and Azure Cloud Service to convert URLs, HTML string, SVG, MHTML to PDF.
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