The .NET MAUI Radar area chart displays data points that are visualized as areas within a polygon gridline. This type of chart can be configured with numeric, category, date-time axes.
.NET MAUI Radar Area Chart documentation
Customize the color and border of the chart by utilizing the built-in APIs to create a visually distinctive appearance.
Data labels display information about data points. Customize the foreground, border, and background of the labels. You can also rotate a data label to a specified angle.
Customize the start angle of a radar chart to visualize data from a different perspective.
The series can be displayed with or without a closed path.
<ContentPage xmlns=""
<chart:SfPolarChart HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" GridLineType="Polygon">
<!--Setting BindingContext-->
<!--Initialize the primary axis.-->
<!--Initialize the secondary axis.-->
<!--Adding series.-->
ItemsSource="{Binding PlantDetails}"
ItemsSource="{Binding PlantDetails}"
ItemsSource="{Binding PlantDetails}"
public class PlantData
public string Direction { get; set; }
public double Tree { get; set; }
public double Weed { get; set; }
public double Flower { get; set; }
public PlantData(string direction, double tree, double weed, double flower)
Direction = direction;
Tree = tree;
Weed = weed;
Flower = flower;
public class ViewModel
public ObservableCollection<PlantData> PlantDetails { get; set; }
public ViewModel()
PlantDetails = new ObservableCollection<PlantData>()
new PlantData(){ Direction = "North", Tree = 80, Weed = 63, Flower = 42},
new PlantData(){ Direction = "NorthEast", Tree = 85, Weed = 70, Flower = 40},
new PlantData(){ Direction = "East", Tree = 78 , Weed = 45, Flower = 25},
new PlantData(){ Direction = "SouthEast", Tree = 90 , Weed = 70, Flower = 40},
new PlantData(){ Direction = "South", Tree = 78 , Weed = 47, Flower = 20},
new PlantData(){ Direction = "SouthWest", Tree = 83 , Weed = 65, Flower = 45},
new PlantData(){ Direction = "West", Tree = 79 , Weed = 58, Flower = 40},
new PlantData(){ Direction = "NorthWest", Tree = 88 , Weed = 73, Flower = 28}
.NET MAUI Radar Area Chart User Guide
Learn more about the available options for customizing the .NET MAUI radar area chart.