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The .NET MAUI histogram is a chart that visually represents the distribution of a dataset. It is commonly used in statistical analysis to show the frequency distribution of continuous or discrete datasets. Histograms are effective tools for understanding the characteristics of a dataset because they provide valuable insights into the distribution and patterns present in the data.

.NET MAUI Histogram Chart documentation

.NET MAUI histogram chart.

Key features

.NET MAUI distribution curve.

Distribution curve

A visual portrayal of a normal distribution of data using the .NET MAUI Histogram.

.NET MAUI histogram chart with data labels.

Data labels

Enhancing readability is simplified by conveniently annotating data points with data labels.

.NET MAUI histogram chart with customized border and color.

UI styling

Customize the color and border of histograms using built-in APIs to make them visually unique.

.NET MAUI histogram chart with tooltip.


Tooltips provide relevant information based on the histogram’s interval, enhancing the understanding of the presented data when users hover over or tap specific data points.

Code example

<ContentPage xmlns="" 
        <chart:SfCartesianChart HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">
            <!--Setting BindingContext-->

            <!--Initialize the horizontal axis for the .NET MAUI Cartesian Chart.-->

            <!--Initialize the vertical axis for the .NET MAUI Cartesian Chart.-->
            <!--Adding Histogram Series to the .NET MAUI Cartesian Chart.-->
                        ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" 
public class Model
    public string XValue { get; set; }

    public double YValue { get; set; }

    public Model(string xValue, double yValue)
        XValue = xValue;
        YValue = yValue;

public class ViewModel
    public ObservableCollection<Model> Data { get; set; }

    public ViewModel()
        Data = new ObservableCollection<Model>()
            new Model(5.250, 0),
            new Model(7.750, 0),
            new Model(0, 0),
            new Model(8.275, 0),
            new Model(9.750, 0),
            new Model(7.750, 0),
            new Model(8.275, 0),
            new Model(6.250, 0),
            new Model(5.750, 0),
            new Model(5.250, 0),
            new Model(23.000, 0),
            new Model(26.500, 0),
            new Model(27.750, 0),
            new Model(25.025, 0),
            new Model(26.500, 0),
            new Model(26.500, 0),
            new Model(28.025, 0),
            new Model(29.250, 0),
            new Model(26.750, 0),
            new Model(27.250, 0),
            new Model(26.250, 0),
            new Model(25.250, 0),
            new Model(34.500, 0),
            new Model(25.625, 0),
            new Model(25.500, 0),
            new Model(26.625, 0),
            new Model(36.275, 0),
            new Model(36.250, 0),
            new Model(26.875, 0),
            new Model(45.000, 0),
            new Model(43.000, 0),
            new Model(46.500, 0),
            new Model(47.750, 0),
            new Model(45.025, 0),
            new Model(56.500, 0),
            new Model(56.500, 0),
            new Model(58.025, 0),
            new Model(59.250, 0),
            new Model(56.750, 0),
            new Model(57.250, 0),
            new Model(46.250, 0),
            new Model(55.250, 0),
            new Model(44.500, 0),
            new Model(45.500, 0),
            new Model(55.500, 0),
            new Model(45.625, 0),
            new Model(55.500, 0),
            new Model(56.250, 0),
            new Model(46.875, 0),
            new Model(43.000, 0),
            new Model(46.250, 0),
            new Model(55.250, 0),
            new Model(44.500, 0),
            new Model(45.425, 0),
            new Model(56.625, 0),
            new Model(46.275, 0),
            new Model(56.250, 0),
            new Model(46.875, 0),
            new Model(43.000, 0),
            new Model(46.250, 0),
            new Model(55.250, 0),
            new Model(44.500, 0),
            new Model(45.425, 0),
            new Model(55.500, 0),
            new Model(46.625, 0),
            new Model(56.275, 0),
            new Model(46.250, 0),
            new Model(56.250, 0),
            new Model(42.000, 0),
            new Model(41.000, 0),
            new Model(63.000, 0),
            new Model(66.500, 0),
            new Model(67.750, 0),
            new Model(65.025, 0),
            new Model(66.500, 0),
            new Model(76.500, 0),
            new Model(78.025, 0),
            new Model(79.250, 0),
            new Model(76.750, 0),
            new Model(77.250, 0),
            new Model(66.250, 0),
            new Model(75.250, 0),
            new Model(74.500, 0),
            new Model(65.625, 0),
            new Model(75.500, 0),
            new Model(76.625, 0),
            new Model(76.275, 0),
            new Model(66.250, 0),
            new Model(66.875, 0),
            new Model(82.000, 0),
            new Model(85.250, 0),
            new Model(87.750, 0),
            new Model(92.000, 0),
            new Model(85.250, 0),
            new Model(87.750, 0),
            new Model(89.000, 0),
            new Model(88.275, 0),
            new Model(89.750, 0),
            new Model(95.750, 0),
            new Model(95.250, 0)

Learning resources

Navigate to GitHub code used to configure the .NET MAUI histogram chart.

GitHub Code

The .NET MAUI histogram chart configuration code is available on GitHub.

Navigate to the options available in the user guide to customize the .NET MAUI histogram chart.

.NET MAUI Histogram Chart User Guide

Learn more about the available options to customize .NET MAUI histogram charts.

Navigate to the API references documentation of the .NET MAUI histogram chart.

.NET MAUI Histogram Chart API References

Explore the .NET MAUI histogram chart APIs.

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