PDF Library Competitive Upgrade - Syncfusion

Looking for an alternative PDF Framework suite?

Contact us to find out how much you can save by switching

    The Syncfusion difference

    100% Standalone .NET PDF library

    The .NET PDF Library is completely independent and doesn't need Adobe dependencies.

    Create, modify, and save PDF files

    The PDF Library gives you the ability to create PDF documents from scratch and save them to a disk or stream with just a few lines of code. Existing documents can also be opened and manipulated.

    Fast performance

    Load documents with thousands of pages instantly. Enjoy a seamless scrolling experience. The virtualized page rendering utilizes less runtime memory.

    Encrypt and decrypt PDFs

    PDF Library provides support for basic to advanced encryption standards.

    Digitally sign PDF files

    Documents can be digitally signed using x509 certificates with local, web, or hardware-based signatures.

    15+ years Proven PDF library

    Over the more than 15 years since its first publication, Syncfusion’s .NET PDF Library has become a mature and proven product.

    200+ Demos

    These real-world examples demonstrate the supported features and APIs for utilizing the PDF Framework to do various PDF-related activities like create, edit, view, convert, compress, etc.

    Powerful and comprehensive APIs

    All the elements in a typical PDF document like text, formatting, images, shapes, and tables are accessible through a comprehensive set of APIs.

    No server deployment fee

    There are no distribution fees, per-server licensing fees, or royalties, making the PDF Library very cost-effective.

    Free, unlimited support

    Utilize direct support from our document processing libraries development team along with live chat support with no additional charges.

    G2 reviews

    On G2, more than 400 users have positively reviewed Syncfusion. Other vendors have far fewer reviews.

    Free Community License

    Get free, unlimited access to the over 1,800 controls in Syncfusion Essential Studio® through the Community License if eligible. No credit card required.

    100% Standalone .NET PDF library

    The .NET PDF Library is completely independent and doesn't need Adobe dependencies.

    Create, modify, and save PDF files

    The PDF Library gives you the ability to create PDF documents from scratch and save them to a disk or stream with just a few lines of code. Existing documents can also be opened and manipulated.

    Fast performance

    Load documents with thousands of pages instantly. Enjoy a seamless scrolling experience. The virtualized page rendering utilizes less runtime memory.

    Encrypt and decrypt PDFs

    PDF Library provides support for basic to advanced encryption standards:

    Digitally sign PDF files

    Documents can be digitally signed using x509 certificates with local, web, or hardware-based signatures.

    15+ years Proven PDF library

    Over the more than 15 years since its first publication, Syncfusion’s .NET PDF Library has become a mature and proven product.

    200+ Demos

    These real-world examples demonstrate the supported features and APIs for utilizing the PDF Framework to do various PDF-related activities like create, edit, view, convert, compress, etc.

    Powerful and comprehensive APIs

    All the elements in a typical PDF document like text, formatting, images, shapes, and tables are accessible through a comprehensive set of APIs.

    No server deployment fee

    There are no distribution fees, per-server licensing fees, or royalties, making the PDF Library very cost-effective.

    Free, unlimited support

    Utilize direct support from our document processing libraries development team along with live chat support with no additional charges.

    G2 reviews

    On G2, more than 400 users have positively reviewed Syncfusion. Other vendors have far fewer reviews.

    Free Community License

    Get free, unlimited access to the over 1,800 controls in Syncfusion Essential Studio® through the Community License if eligible. No credit card required.

    Syncfusion's .NET PDF suite versus other vendors

    Note: Other Vendors denotes Apryse[v10.6.0], PSPDFKit[v2023.5.4], ASPOSE[v23.12]



    Some of them not having


    The Syncfusion .NET PDF Library is one of the best .NET PDF libraries on the market, offering a rich set of APIs to interact with the software.

    Supported Platforms


    SyncfusionOther Vendors




    ASP.NET Core










    Amazon Web Services

    Google Cloud Platform





    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    Web Installer

    Offline Installer

    Linux Installer

    Supported Format


    SyncfusionOther Vendors









    Create & Edit APIs


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    Open PDF Files

    Open and edit existing PDF documents

    Loading & saving document

    Save PDF Files

    Open PDF Files


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    From Google Drive

    From Dropbox cloud file storage

    From Azure blob storage

    From Google Cloud storage

    From AWS S3

    Save PDF Files


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    To Google Drive

    To Dropbox cloud file storage

    To Azure blob storage

    To Google Cloud storage

    To AWS S3

    PDF Conversions


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    PDF to Word

    PDF to Excel

    PDF to PPT (PowerPoint)

    HTML to PDF file

    PDF file to HTML format

    Images to PDF

    PDF to Images

    Other file formats to PDF

    PDF to other formats

    PDF to PDF/A formats

    PDF/A to PDF format

    Working with PDF


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    Formatting PDF Document

    Manipulate PDF Document

    Optimize PDF

    Merge PDF files

    Split PDF files

    Compress PDF

    Creating sections in a PDF

    Remove Specific Keys from the Existing Document Information

    Performing incremental update for PDF document

    Choosing the viewer preferences

    Adding document action

    Working in Multi-Threading Environment

    Uniform Resource Naming in PDF document

    Memory Optimization

    Find corrupted PDF document

    Embed all the non-embedded fonts in the existing PDF document

    Add or retrieve BaseUri in a PDF document

    VIEWER Component


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    Fill PDF forms

    Annotate or review PDFs

    Easy page navigation

    Print PDFs

    Accurate PDF rendering

    Working with Pages


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    Add Pages

    Move PDF Pages

    Delete PDF Pages

    Change PDF Page Size

    Rotate PDF Pages

    Add Header and Footer to PDF

    Crop Pages

    Add watermark

    Add Page Number

    Add backgrounds

    Image stamps in PDF File

    Text stamps in PDF File

    Page stamps in PDF File

    Get and Set Page Properties

    Working with Text


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    Text Formatting inside PDF

    Replace Text in PDF

    Rotate Text Inside PDF

    Search and Get Text

    Drawing text in an existing document

    Drawing text using different fonts

    Draw text using standard fonts

    Draw text using TrueType fonts

    Draw text using CJK fonts

    Measuring a string

    Embedding fonts and working with Unicode text

    Drawing Right-To-Left text

    Adding a HTML Styled Text

    Creating a multicolumn PDF document

    Inserting Rich Text Format contents

    Adding an Ordered, Unordered List

    Replace Fonts in an existing document

    Search and get the bounds of a text in a document

    Drawing complex script language text

    Drawing text using OpenType font

    Drawing text with baseline alignment

    Adding a text encoding to the PdfStandardFont

    Working with Images


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    Add Image

    Delete Images

    Extract Images

    Get Resolution and Dimensions

    Working with Image Placement

    Search and Get Images

    Replace Image

    Set Image Size

    Supported Image Formats


    SyncfusionOther Vendors


    JPEG with Exif standard




    ICO and ICON

    Working with Brush


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    Solid Brush

    Linear gradient brush

    Radial Gradient Brush

    Tiling Brush

    Working with Tables


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    Create or Add Table

    Extract Table

    Integrate Table

    Manipulate Tables

    Remove Tables

    Built-in table styles

    Working with Forms


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    Working with AcroForm

    Working with XFA Form

    Creating a new PDF form

    Add, fill and remove form fields in an existing PDF Document

    Set appearance to the PDF form fields

    Modifying the existing form field in PDF document

    Retrieving/Modifying the fore and back color of an existing form fields

    Enumerate the form fields

    Fill the XFA form fields along with Acroform in a same API

    Importing FDF file to PDF

    Export PDF file to FDF

    Complex script support for form fields

    Auto naming of form fields

    Adding actions to form fields

    Auto resizing text box field text

    Merge Documents


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    Importing pages from multiple documents

    Optimizing PDF resources when merging PDF documents

    Reducing the size of the PDF file while importing pages

    Extend the margin of the PDF pages while merging PDF document

    Working with Text and Image Extraction


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    Working with basic text extraction

    Working with layout based text extraction

    Text Extraction with Bounds

    Working with Lines

    Working with words

    Working with characters

    Woking with Image Extraction

    Additional Features


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    PDF/A sub standards (PDF/A-1 to PDF/A-4)

    Working with OCR

    Color Spaces

    Working with JavaScript

    Meta data


    Headers and Footers



    Named destination



    PDF Redaction

    Digital Signature




    Tagged PDF

    Securing and signing in PDF


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    Digitally sign PDF

    Encrypt and Decrypt PDF Files

    Working with RC4 Encryption

    Working with AES Encryption

    Protect an existing document

    Set and changing the password of the PDF document

    Change the permission of the PDF document

    Remove password from the user password PDF document

    Working with Portfolio


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    Creating a PDF portfolio

    Extracting file from PDF Portfolio

    Removing files from PDF Portfolio

    Working with ZUGFeRD invoice


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    Generating ZUGFeRD invoice

    Adding ZUGFeRD structured data as attachment

    Extract ZUGFeRD invoice from PDF

    Validating ZUGFeRD invoices using Adobe Acrobat

    Working with XML


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    Create PDF from XML using XSLT

    Generate PDF from XML

    Supported XML Schema


    The.NET PDF framework is a powerful library used to create, read, merge, split, secure, edit, display, and review PDF files.


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    Ability to create PDF files from scratch.

    Support for creation, filling, and flattening of forms (AcroForms and XFA).

    Ability to open, modify and save existing PDF files.

    Support to compress existing PDF files.

    Ability to merge and split PDF files.

    Support for optical character recognition by using Tesseract engine.

    Ability to convert HTML, RTF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and XPS to PDF.

    Ability to encrypt and decrypt PDF files with advanced standards.

    Support to add, modify, and remove interactive elements such as bookmarks, annotations, and attachments.

    Support to add barcodes to the PDF files.

    Support to create accessible PDF or tagged PDF (PDF/UA) with section 508 compliance.

    Support to redact text and images in PDF files.

    Support to digitally sign and validate signatures in PDF documents.

    Support for .NET Standard 2.0 onwards.

    PDF library is compatible with .NET 8.0 applications.


    Compared to other vendors, Syncfusion’s PDF document processing have many unique features that benefit users.



    Other Vendors

    Drawing text in a new, and existing document also using standard, truetype and CJK fonts.

    PDF supports both the dynamic and static XFA forms.

    PDF provides support for Optical Character Recognition with the help of Google’s Tesseract Optical Character Recognition engine.

    PDF provides support to add, remove and modify the named destination in the PDF document.

    Supports 15+ 1D, and 2D barcodes

    PDF supports 10+ actions that can be triggered by different events and user interactions.

    Create PDF from XML using XSLT

    JavaScript code embedded in the PDF document

    Memory Optimization

    Find corrupted PDF document


    For the PDF Library, there are 200+ demos. The examples show a variety of distinct user case scenarios that could be quite useful.


    Other Vendors

    Create and modify PDF files from C# with 5 lines of code.

    Real world examples

    Single API across all platforms.

    Github samples


    All the features of our PDF Library’s components are explained thoroughly with C# code examples, demos, and screenshots in the documentation. 


    SyncfusionOther Vendors
    Installation and Upgrade information

    System Requirements

    Individual Nuget Packages

    Licensing FAQ’s

    Getting started documentation for all supported platforms

    Explained all features of PDF Library with an extensive documentation, and knowledge base

    Every features explained with well crafted code examples

    Release history


    Essential PDF is a native .NET class library that can be easily integrate in your application.


    SyncfusionOther Vendors

    Powerful and comprehensive API.

    Proven and fully documented.

    PDF Viewer component UI with a rich appearance.

    Blazing-fast performance.

    No server deployment fees.

    Live chat support on all business days.

    Request feature/demo

    * The comparison data is taken from Syncfusion 2023 Volume 4 release.

    ** If you have questions about the comparison tables, please contact us.

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    Greatness—it’s one thing to say you have it, but it means more when others recognize it. Syncfusion is proud to hold the following industry awards.
