Why you should choose the Syncfusion JavaScript File Upload

Multiple-file upload

Folder upload

AJAX file uploader

Chunk upload for large files

Template creation

Multiple-file upload

Select and upload multiple files to a server simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful for uploading images to a gallery or for use in file-sharing applications. 

Folder upload

Select a folder as a source to upload all the files within that folder, including those in its subfolders. 

AJAX file uploader

With the AJAX library, the JavaScript File Upload control allows for effortless file uploads in asynchronous mode. 

Chunk upload for large files

Efficiently manage large file uploads by using chunk upload, which divides files into smaller chunks and uploads them asynchronously to the server in sequential order. 

Template creation

Users can design a custom UI in the JavaScript File Upload control using a variety of template options. 

Syncfusion JavaScript File Upload 

The JavaScript File Upload is a robust UI component for uploading files and folders. 

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