The ASP.NET MVC Diagram control’s five standout feature
· Interactive editing · Automatic layout · Symbol palette · Interactive features · Nodes
Offers interactive panning and zooming, snapping, undoing and redoing actions, stenciling, resizing, and rotating.
Utilize automatic layouts to arrange nodes according to predefined algorithms. Diagram features built-in hierarchical tree, radial tree, and symmetric layouts.
Features a gallery of stencils, reusable symbols, and nodes that can be easily dragged onto the diagram surface.
Enhance the editing experience of a diagram at runtime with interactive features. Additionally, you can easily edit a diagram using a mouse, touchscreen, or keyboard interface.
Visualize graphical objects using nodes that can be arranged and manipulated on a Diagram page.
The ASP.NET MVC Diagram is a comprehensive library designed for visualizing, creating, and editing interactive diagrams. It supports the creation of flowcharts, organizational charts, mind maps, and BPMN charts, either through code or a visual interface.
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