The top 5 Angular dev tools that every developer should know

Angular CLI

VS Code




Angular CLI

The Angular CLI is an essential tool that simplifies the development process by quickly scaffolding applications, generating components, services, and modules with simple commands, and efficiently running tests and builds.

VS Code

For Angular development, Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a robust, customizable editor featuring debugging, Git integration, IntelliSense, and extensions like Angular Snippets and Prettier.


Augury is a Chrome DevTools extension for debugging Angular apps (2+). It aids in visualizing app structure, inspecting component state and router trees, and performing debugging and profiling.


WebStorm provides smart coding, navigation, and error detection for Angular. It integrates with the Angular CLI, recognizes components and directives, and uses the Angular Language Service for code insight.


Karma, a test runner by the AngularJS team, runs tests in multiple browsers, perfect for Angular apps. Features include support for frameworks like Jasmine, CI, and test coverage reporting.

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Syncfusion Angular Components

The Syncfusion Angular UI component library contains over 85+ high-performance, lightweight, modular, and responsive UI components in a single package.