Here is the list of top 6 features of Angular Accordion

· Expand and Collapse · Nest Accordions  · JSON Binding · Navigation Menu and    Icon Support · AJAX Content · Animation

Expand and Collapse

By clicking the panel header (or programmatically), one or more panels can expand or collapse simultaneously. Set a certain panel to be open while the others are collapsed using customization options.

Nest Accordions

Use the Angular ng-template for nesting support. You can render Accordion components inside a parent Accordion component.

JSON Binding

The component can be rendered utilizing a variety of JSON array properties, such as the headers and content. Data binding can be achieved by utilizing an array of items.

Navigation Menu and Icon Support

The component can use a nested vertical (hierarchical) navigation menu with links, including external links. Prefix icons or images can be added to the panel header.

AJAX Content

Using the AJAX library, the Angular Accordion lets you dynamically load external content into a panel.


The Accordion animation library offers a variety of beautiful built-in and custom animations for both expand and collapse actions.

Syncfusion Angular Accordion

The Syncfusion Angular Accordion  is a container-based component with fully functional, responsive, collapsible panels and stacked headers.

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