Here is the list of the top 6 features of our Angular Diagram.
· Automatic layout · Data binding · Interactive editing · UML class diagram shapes · Undo and redo · Interactive features
Nodes can be automatically arranged according to a predetermined layout algorithm.
You can populate diagrams with nodes and connectors that are generated and positioned based on data from various data sources. By configuring a few properties, you can easily convert, map, and incorporate data in any format into the diagram, without having to write any code.
You can interactively pan, zoom, snap, stencil, resize, and rotate in your Angular Diagram.
The representation of an application's static view is accomplished through the use of a class diagram. Object-oriented systems are commonly modeled using class diagrams since they are the sole UML diagrams that can be directly translated into object-oriented languages.
The diagram offers a built-in feature for monitoring modifications made through interaction and public APIs. These alterations can be reversed or restored using shortcut keys or commands.
Enhance the diagram editing experience during runtime by utilizing interactive features. The diagram can also be effortlessly edited using mouse, touchscreen, or keyboard interfaces.