
Numerous integrated view modes are available, including day, week, workweek, month, timeline day, timeline week, timeline workweek, and timeline month.


Display recurring, all-day, and extended appointments to effortlessly view your schedule and events. Appointments hold details about events planned at specific times.

Resource Grouping

Organize appointments according to their associated resources in various views, such as day, week, workweek, timeline day, timeline week, timeline workweek, and timeline month.

Load on Demand

Load appointments for the visible date range as required and let users know that more appointments will be rendered soon with a loading indicator. Excellent loading performance across multiple years in the Scheduler is possible through on-demand appointment loading.

Appointment Reminders

The WPF Scheduler can notify users about upcoming appointments prior to their start.

Syncfusion WPF Scheduler

The WPF Scheduler control helps users schedule and organize appointments via a user-friendly interface, similar to the Outlook Calendar.