Here is the list of the top 5 features of Blazor Color Picker control.

· Color Codes   · Color Palette  · Flat Color Picker  · Touch-Friendly and Responsive · Localization 

Color Codes

Smooth selection, adjusting, and editing of HEX, RGBA, and HSVA color values.

Color Palette

You can add your own custom colors to the color palette. It is simple to use the standalone color palette on a page instead of in dropdown mode.

Flat Color Picker

The component can be rendered on its own. Without opening the pop-up, you can instantly access the picker or palette.

Touch-Friendly and Responsive

A responsive mode that delivers an adaptively rebuilt UI appearance for mobile devices and a great user experience on phones, tablets, and desktop form factors.


The localization (l10n) library is used by Blazor Color Picker to localize UI strings.

Syncfusion Blazor Color Picker

The Blazor Color Picker component is used to select colors by either clicking on them in the color picker container or by changing the hue and opacity. For smooth form integration, it enables inline mode, palette customization, and localization.

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