Top 4 most popular MVC frameworks across different programming languages

Django (Python)

Ruby on Rails (Ruby)

Laravel (PHP)


Django (Python)

Django is a comprehensive Python web framework promoting quick development and clean design, featuring an ORM and dynamic templating.

Ruby on Rails (Ruby)

Ruby on Rails, a Ruby framework, prioritizes convention and productivity with its CoC and DRY principles, active record pattern, and effective scaffolding.

Laravel (PHP)

Laravel is a PHP framework celebrated for its elegant syntax, robust ORM (Eloquent), MVC structure, Blade templating, and artisan CLI.


ASP.NET MVC is a .NET framework for creating scalable web apps, integrating with Microsoft tech for robust enterprise solutions. It features the Razor view engine for dynamic views and is highly extensible, with diverse libraries and tools.

Syncfusion ASP.NET MVC component suite

The Essential JS 2-powered ASP.NET MVC toolkit features over 85 components, including DataGrid, Charts, and Gantt Chart, for comprehensive line-of-business app development.

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